Example sentences of "the first time the " in BNC.

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1 This was the first time the phrase Scenic Land Cruise had been used by a train operator — but it certainly was not the last .
2 It was possibly the first time the BBC had had to take other equipment out of service because someone ( Voigt ) complained of its bad performance , which had shown up on this speaker .
3 The same phrase had been translated and mordantly placed by Dante in Canto XXX of the Purgatorio ; and so , when Hardy in these poems confronts the shade of his recently deceased and estranged wife Emma , not only does Aeneas in Aeneid 6 confront the reproachfully haughty ghost of Dido , but Dante 's pilgrim confronts for the first time the shade or apparition of his lost Beatrice .
4 It is the first time the inspectorate has taken the board to court for an alleged lapse of safety .
5 It was not the first time the 48-year-old comedian and doctor had pooped the party .
6 The Politburo issued a statement regretting for the first time the mass exodus to the West .
7 But now for the first time the diocese was being consulted — informally , quietly , but systematically .
8 For the first time the house seemed a frail defence against all that beat around it .
9 The first time the buzzer went I thought it was the ice but it was a 16 lb pike .
10 The Dewar Challenge Trophy — awarded for the most meritorious performance of the year in any trial under the Long-Distance Trials Regulations — was presented to Cadillac that year , the first time the trophy had been won by a US car maker .
11 Mountbatten saw Charles for what he was and liked what he saw , and for the first time the growing Prince was given some real sense of his own worth .
12 It is the first time the fraud squad has been directly accused of leaking the report .
13 This is the first time the UN has dispatched a force so close to American borders .
14 It is the first time the industry has been able to purchase cover for long-term environmental damage although it does buy insurance against sudden pollution incidents or claims from disasters such as explosions .
15 Doctors at the Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore say that after intensive tests they believe for the first time the Aids virus had been eradicated from the patient 's body before he died from a separate lymphoma cancer .
16 It was the first time the church authorities had discussed the issue of the refugees , some 25,000 of whom have entered Hungary from the south over the past year .
17 This was not the first time the elevator had startled her with its moods .
18 Jordanova suggests that the search to define femininity by recourse to anatomy was a search for aesthetic and moral ideals at the same time ; she says of these models , ‘ The figures of recumbent women seem to convey for the first time the sexual potential of medical anatomy . ’
19 For the first time the old man stopped and folded his hands on the end of the axe-handle .
20 This was the initial running of the world 's oldest Classic under commercial sponsorship , and for the first time the winner 's prize money topped £100,000 .
21 For the first time Hitler was not able to get out from under the responsibility ; for the first time the critical rumours are aimed straight at him .
22 He had never considered that tightening the girth to the tightest hole the first time the saddle was put on the horse 's back could hurt and frighten the horse and make it ‘ girth shy ’ forever .
23 IN referring to the Chilean Order of Merit awarded to Mr Harold Pinter , Mandrake ( March 29 ) stated that this is the first time the honour has been bestowed upon a playwright or , indeed , upon an ‘ intellectual ’ of any description .
24 For the first time the race sees a husband and wife pairing in Yvonne and Barry Holloway from Lymington in Hampshire .
25 Furthermore , for the first time the planned and negotiated sharing of a child 's care , through local authority provision of ‘ accommodation ’ is reframed as a form of support .
26 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
27 For the first time the significance of lone pairs of electrons , in determining the overall shape of molecules was recognised .
28 For the first time the man on Gerrard 's other side spoke , and his voice was smooth and the accent very carefully cultured .
29 This is the first time the ABRC 's report has not been made public in recent years .
30 The United States accepted for the first time the phrase ‘ legitimate rights of the Palestinian people ’ and called for the participation of the ‘ Palestinian people ’ , a major concession to the Soviet Union , in return for Soviet retraction of its previous insistence on the participation of the PLO , the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , and the total withdrawal of Israeli forces to the 1949 Armistice Line .
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