Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 6.9.3 Will the courts uphold these clauses ?
2 So what do the Germans offer those women who do n't want to wear longer lengths ?
3 Why , after all , should the Germans derive any satisfaction from the task of giving to the victors that which they themselves had worked so hard to build up ?
4 Do the cases give any more concrete guidance as to how this discretion might be exercised ?
5 Do the cases support this assumption ?
6 Did the fiddlers have any local tunes ?
7 so , do n't let the kids watch that .
8 Do not the Scots realise that with better techniques , new medical discoveries and more efficacious drugs many more people would be treated if only the health service were to change ?
9 Should the parties agree that time is to be of the essence ?
10 Did the Iraqis give any indication as to why they were n't going to stop originally ?
11 Did the defendants receive any benefit other than ( i ) the performance of the contract by the plaintiff and ( ii ) avoidance of the penalty ?
12 The experienced players stood around watching the youngsters do all the work . ’
13 How would the judges discover this political morality ?
14 Always let the parents know any suggestions or arrangements you have made with any of the grandchildren . ’
15 How can the Conservatives make such eloquent speeches about the Royal Navy when , in their 13 years in office , they have , according to their own planning , halved that part of its fleet ?
16 Do the workers have any erm powers of negotiation over the price paid and what they 're going to be paid .
17 How will the plants achieve this ?
18 And if everybody starts getting very large discounts and the vendor loses control of the market , not only do the buyers lose all their advantage , but the vendor loses its corporate shirt .
19 Nor can the elvers have any memory of the smell of fresh water rivers , as salmon have , for none of them have been in one .
20 To make the colours fade into-each other , apply the paint and then while still wet make gentle brush-strokes across the area where the colours join .
21 You just relax and let the machines do all your exercises for you .
22 Many a time she had seen the hounds draw such a covert and heard them open and challenge as the fox broke .
23 Can the managers make any precise allocation of time and other resources to planning and defining their operational steps in these amorphous areas ?
24 Where do the farmers leave some fields as permanent grass ?
25 Why do the professions have this attitude to client care and service ?
26 ‘ I do n't know what form that decision will take and how they would work out the practicalities of making the generators buy more coal . ’
27 There is a story about the man who painted half his car black and the other half white so that if he was involved in an accident he could enjoy hearing the witnesses contradict each other .
28 In time not only might the Americans receive more help from Britain , but also other European states might follow her lead in assisting the United States in its role of world police-officer .
29 Only in corners where fast ice fails to break out each summer , or where pack accumulates and circulates in local gyres , do the floes last several years , and thicken both by pressure-rafting and by accretion .
30 The legs and hips have the largest muscles in the body : let them set the rhythm , then let the arms follow that rhythm .
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