Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The defences were at that time concerned with 59 Squadron which was bombing the docks .
2 This should not be taken too literally — not every rock in the crust is a granite — things like limestones are vastly different in composition — but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica .
3 Because these movements are superimposed on movements caused for other reasons ( such as the moon 's gravity ) , and because the continents are in the way , these movements are very complicated indeed .
4 The forms are of the Letter Rogatory itself , which follows the functional layout of the Hague ‘ Request ’ rather than the formal , almost supplicatory , style of a traditional letter rogatory ; a statement of Essential Information for the Addressee , corresponding to the Hague ‘ Summary of the Document to be Served ’ ; and a Certificate of execution or non-execution again on the model of the corresponding Hague document .
5 But there is this thing that all of the forms are in the intellect and all of the forms ah are in the intellect and all of the forms do somehow weave together into some sort of unitary thing .
6 Erm in Plato talks about the , the weaving together of forms and it says erm er it 's it 's er through the weaving together of forms that reason arises in us and but then again this is the level of as well so I think that this is the , the origin of this notion that all the forms are in each , they 're all woven together somehow .
7 I could n't believe how good the pros were from 100 yards .
8 Even if one of the ovoids was in the Simonova 's docking bay — a recovery sequence had been initiated shortly before Rostov had retired to his quarters — those which were adjacent in orbit would open fire as soon as the pod was more than ten kilometres from the survey vessel 's shield zone .
9 The circulars were for double glazing , a credit card company and for small deductions on the purchase of a variety of household goods .
10 The contracts are with the Kuwait Oil company and cover maintenance of all KOC 's production facilities and the provision of manpower for the ‘ Al Tameer ’ rebuild project of Kuwait 's oil gathering centres .
11 The contracts are to be let in two blocks .
12 The best way to secure future jobs and future collieries is to win the largest possible share of the electricity-generation market , and the contracts are to be renewed next year .
13 Understandably , despite such possible complexity , the purchaser will not be interested in the legal semantics of how the contracts are to be transferred but will be interested in two main practical concerns : firstly , in receiving the benefit of the contracts in return for performing the burden and secondly , in not paying for a contract if the purchaser can not benefit from it .
14 The contracts are among £1.6mworth of research secured by the university last month and brings its total research income to £14m .
15 What he means is that although in one sense the competitively won money is very desirable — it gives a terrific boost to Imperial 's research and , because many of the contracts are from industry , keeps the university closely in touch with the real world — it actually contributes next of nothing to the core costs of the college , of which , of course , academic salaries are the largest single component .
16 Lawyers in the Environment Department are said to have drawn to the attention of senior staff that renewal of the contracts was in breach of community rules .
17 In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office .
18 This leaves the common law of conspiracy under which prosecutions continued to be brought while the acts were in force .
19 Here again , both the trend of things and the advice of the experts is in the exactly opposite direction — towards the industrialisation and depersonalisation of agriculture , towards concentration , specialisation , and any kind of material waste that promises to save labour .
20 In the crowds were to be found most kinds of urban and industrial workers but hardly ever farm labourers ; in many cases they were shielded from the market by receiving part of their wages in kind , and in general the authority structure of the countryside was sufficient to deter them from rioting .
21 The crowds were in good form as well .
22 While the labourers were on the boat , he insisted that Melinda go into purdah .
23 The new unionists , he discovered , were wrong in supposing that funds mattered less in the class struggle than the unity and solidarity of the workers and the Seamen were at a disadvantage compared with other unions in having , because of the nature of their occupation , to appoint and pay so many full-time officials .
24 Thus , claims Matthew Swainston , " the seamen were among the first , if not the first , of any class of working men to think in national terms " .
25 If the excesses are of equal amounts one excess only shall be deducted .
26 One of the checks was in what we thought was no man 's land , a rocky valley with the odd bush here and there .
27 Was this what the pebbles were for ?
28 There are two dressers in there , but as one of the splinters is in the thigh , you 'll have to get it out .
29 After making findings of fact which are broadly summarised in the second paragraph of this judgment the board determined , inter alia : ( 1 ) that the fees derived from the sub-licencing were sourced in the countries in which the sub-licensees were by their contracts entitled to exercise the particular rights and ( 2 ) that the 1981 agreement vested in the taxpayer rights over intangible property , which rights could only be exercised outside Hong Kong .
30 Although it appears that sentencing became more severe during the first three years the guide-lines were in use , Minnesota remains one of the very few states that has avoided huge increases in prison population size ( Parent 1988 ) .
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