Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Havis himself did most of the cockpit shots , and these are skilfully intercut into air-to-air shots of Concorde , including a beautiful head-on one ( used several times ) of the Great White Dart skimming the cloud-tops leaving a vortex of white in its high-speed wake .
2 Luxembourg and United States courts have addressed the matter , and the judgments reveal the reality of these fears .
3 The activities accompanying the texts go well beyond checking comprehension .
4 For example , each activity on a construction programme is priced by estimators and its tinting is reflected in the sequencing of the activities forming the construction bar chart or network .
5 Certain types of mental illnesses result in a diminished awareness , so that the sufferers are not able to be completely responsible for carrying out the activities to achieve a safe environment .
6 All the activities have a number : do them in that order .
7 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
8 Elf astrologers and geomancers studied the portents to divine the best time for the new king to begin his reign , and calculated the best time for him to pass through the flame .
9 In fact , as an eminent Scottish banker remarked looking back from seven years on , it was remarkable , " after the first surprise and alarm was over , how quietly the country submitted , as they still do , to transact all business by means of bank notes for which the issuers give no specie " .
10 The instrument of war was the national State and it mattered little whether that State was called the beachhead of a world working class or simply an ordinary republic : the disciplines remained the same .
11 Consumer Studies brings together the disciplines governing the design , development and management of consumer goods and services ( with particular reference to food , textiles and the home ) and explores the interdisciplinary relationship of these to the needs and responses of consumers .
12 Hold the leaders hostage in the hall whilst the larger force punch their way through the defences to take the Rorim from its leaderless and probably drunk defenders .
13 Suggestive crop-marks at the point where the projected line of the defences meets the emerging east-west street have also been photographed from the air , but proof of another gate here will have to wait for excavation .
14 The very size of the defences emphasizes the local wealth available when compared with other large and small towns in the province .
15 But the defences have no military significance .
16 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
17 The Pacific Plate , for instance , underlies almost the whole Pacific Ocean whereas a number of minor plates within the continents have an area of less than 1x106km 2 .
18 For instance , dispersal patterns of the continents following the break-up of Pangaea show that the now separate continents have been moving away from Africa , which itself appears to have remained relatively stationary .
19 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
20 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
21 Everything appeared in order to the finance company , which accepted the forms believing the trader to be the owner of the van .
22 Okay , I will then , outside this meeting , take on this task of setting up the forms view the output from all this gathering and decide what , whether we can make a sensible rationing from some of the forms .
23 The forms have no definite shape , as they change from round to round , but they are vaguely humanoid and attack with limb-like appendages .
24 Though clear canonic forms may be intelligible and easy to follow , the less obvious the forms used the more enigmatic and elusive the result .
25 It also describes the way the New OED Computer Group and the Computer Services Department must complete their sections of the forms to inform the lexicographers that the tasks set by the issuing of these forms have been completed .
26 Both offices are in areas where Keith Pattinson is already strongly represented and the openings mark a consolidation of the company 's presence in Tyne and Wear and Northumberland .
27 Taken as a whole , the essays demonstrate the scope of Nochlin 's work .
28 If the essays describe the exciting journey , the postcard gallery , the sandwich lunch and little else , the content analysis of such essays will be quite illuminating !
29 The remaining yeast in the casks turns the residual sugars into alcohol while the natural gas produced escapes through a soft porous wooden peg knocked into the shive hole on top of the cask .
30 Arm-in-arm with the day-conductress , she would walk the length of the train , watching the ice being tapped off the water inlets and the track-hoppers getting a warning from the new MCK engine elbowing its way backwards .
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