Example sentences of "the [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most important , of course , was the recognition that , although in the long-term measures to increase income and reduce costs would enable Colleges to become more self-sufficient , in the short-term the finance available would not necessarily allow all desirable changes to be introduced simultaneously , and some prioritising would be required .
2 An incredibly powerful Part introduced by Gena Corea ( author of the ground-breaking The Mother Machine , Women 's Press ) turns to surrogacy , and how fertile women are being used ‘ in the name of infertility' .
3 In the long-run the provision of this support will need to be done electronically and suitable tools need to be developed to allow simultaneous interactive online support of users .
4 This means that in the long-run the level of real income will always be at the level associated with full employment , whatever the price level .
5 The EC market is nationally segmented , with Britons eating fruit from Jamaica and the Windward Islands and the Spanish the Canaries crop .
6 After the timid The Maggie ( 1953 , High and Dry in US ) , Mackendrick 's Ealing oeuvre culminates in The Ladykillers ( 1955 ) where a gang of bank robbers , masquerading as an unlikely string quartet , engages in a battle of wills with an unutterably sweet and totally irritating landlady , symbol of Ealing 's ( and England 's ) determination not to think about the modern world , smothering the horrors and the nightmares in gentility .
7 Erm the large size is really a relatively it it 's a smaller percentage of the market so we 've had to price it as far down as we can that 's why our contribution for the large size is not as large as the Erm the overhead the sorry the capital costs erm will be a total of two hundred and ninety thousand which is two hundred for factory extensions , eighty thousand for plant and ten perc ten thousand for the gasser .
8 When he had given the wounded the water , he made a second trip .
9 The C can change if you copy it to another column and the C put it to the right the C changes to a D if you put a dollar in front of them both then neither can change .
10 We will have a different attitude , we 'll bear to watch what is happening in competitive tendering and to ask questions and to get the right the facts on competitive tendering because we found a lot of these round the competitive tendering do n't you , do n't you worry and we ai n't finished with it yet I can tell you and also we have ev , the people who are , the in house , walking in the house , have a right to have some protection from it , to see that when we dole out those contracts that it least they are genuine and they 've got a someone to see that that their interest is looked after .
11 If anybody does want further information on A B Cs erm in the booklet in the information pack , the Your Pension booklet , it 's it 's actually handled through the Prudential the office in Reading but there is the address is given in booklet .
12 Lay the slices up the sides , so that there are long flaps left to be folded over the enclosed the terrine .
13 Its aim was to provide a convivial meeting place where the enlightened could help formulate a programme to teach the uninitiated the nature of the enemy which was undermining the country .
14 For the rich the cost of legal services is not a barrier to the use of lawyers .
15 , bless , president of the A V W Engineering Union , gave a warning to the T U C against denying the unemployed the opportunity to join the Scheme .
16 There can be fewer more devastating experiences in life than to be thrust from a situation of regular employment with all the stature that this entails , to becoming an enforced member of society 's underclass , the unemployed the situation with a total lack of dignity , ask anyone who tries to claim benefits , the situation with a loss of social standing and frustration at unachievable ambitions .
17 The fact that the priest is showing tourists rather than the illiterate the paintings is only half the point that Mac Caig is trying to put across .
18 ‘ reveal to the illiterate the goodness
19 Contact your local bell-ringing group via the nearest reference library or bell tower , or through the weekly The Ringing World , ( editor , David Thorne , Penmark House , Woodbridge Meadows , Guildford GU1 1BL , 0483 69535 ) .
20 These include Basic Instinct , Joe Pesci in The Super and Robert De Niro 's chilling Cape Fear , the excellent Wayne 's World , the dazzling The Lawnmower Man , the hilarious Do n't Tell Mom The Babysitter 's Dead , Chevy Chase 's Memoirs Of An Invisible Man and the menacing The Hand That Rocked The Cradle .
21 the trouble with this is it 's an American book so it 's a bit , I call it biased , erm on erm the betrayal of children on , on the way that they 're not in childhood for very long and it blames literacy , that the more the literate the child becomes
22 Towards the end of the eighth-century the Lombard kings began to cast a jealous eye on the remnant Roman Empire to the south .
23 But by using an auxiliary collecting tank I am able to increase the capacity by more than eight time , thereby avoiding having the empty the vac so frequently .
24 They were also admired for their military prowess , it being widely assumed that before the arrival of the British the Masai had been paramount among the tribes of East Africa ; they were ‘ aristocrats and formerly conquered east central Africa ’ .
25 Indeed , he often felt it expedient to hide from the British the degree to which he was willing to co- operate and listen to their views .
26 In the eyes of the British the boy had their citizenship , but we see the matter differently .
27 When , in July 1939 , it seemed that war was inevitable , the Poles decided to give the French and the British the results of their research , as well as two actual Enigma machines .
28 He insisted he had not abdicated , but what should he do know ? *q Before any advice could given , at least by the British the Shah and Soraya flew on to Rome — perhaps because King Faisal was embarrassed by his presence in Baghdad and perhaps because the Shah thought they would be sager and more comfortable in the Italian capital .
29 In the Carboniferous the shale beds generally exhibit higher resistivities than the sands .
30 Coleridge required love , as the final lines of the agonizing The Pains of Sleep remind him .
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