Example sentences of "the [noun pl] do [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ( Even if the activities do present curbs on the rights of the general public to go about their business , street action might still be justified where , for example , it brings to public consciousness some injustice that would not otherwise receive a public hearing . )
2 Certainly , the activities do focus concentration and energy , but I also use these activities diagnostically , to give myself time and space to assess the class , to learn about their social health ; they help me feel comfortable with the class , and that is important .
3 William had come to the throne two years earlier , in 1688 , after the Glorious Revolution against the Catholic James II ; but although the Treatises do contain material which could be seen as after-the-fact justifications of the Revolution , they were not written for this reason .
4 Only briefly at the end of the 1960s and again in the mid-1970s did average earnings rise significantly above the all-industry average .
5 If the ropes do jam then please remember that the great Giusto Gervasutti met his death during just such a retrieval operation .
6 Like our own superstores , they stock a much wider range of goods than the warehouses , but experts say supermarkets in Britain should be worried if the clubs do take off here .
7 One area where the accounts do show some growth , though , is in special projects .
8 However , the accounts do reveal the operation of a different form of response in these instances , expressed in what we have called a principle of equilibration .
9 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
10 Moreover , a few years later , the Burgundians did provide troops to fight against Attila at the Catalaunian Plains .
11 A crowd walking eight abreast can trample a good-size swathe through a hay meadow and single file just makes common sense , although I must admit the signs did seem to be something of an overkill .
12 And , yes , the cities do close down for August — and in mid-February .
13 If the courts did throw out a case that you 'd dealt with , you stood a chance of being sued over it .
14 It is argued in this study that although the courts did matter , they often failed to operate in the ways intended by British policy-makers .
15 If the courts did give this construction to the term law they would be applying a very different thesis from that originally conceived by Gould .
16 There is no doubt that in the 19th century the courts did consider the adequacy of consideration in restraint of trade cases , but more recently in M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1957 ] 1 WLR 9 Hodson LJ said " … although the position of the employee has to be considered , the court will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration or weigh the advantages accruing to the covenantor under the contract against the disadvantages imposed on him by the restraint " .
17 It is also worth mentioning that even if the courts did allow an individual shareholder to bring a derivative action , that individual would still be unable to secure a direct remedy .
18 These incidences are very rare and actually disposals through the courts do exist using the care facilities which are already available to the local authorities and the secure accommodation .
19 Although the courts do have wide powers to re-allocate property and can require an ex-husband to take out life assurance , such arrangements do not necessarily compensate for the loss of an index-linked widow 's pension in old age or a lump sum and widow 's pension payable on a husband 's death in service .
20 It was a view endorsed by the RCM , who feared the replication of the European ghettos with all that implied if the Germans did succeed in breaking through .
21 Stirling reasoned that if the Germans did continue their attack and captured Cairo , the whole unit could retreat south from its desert base , thus avoiding capture .
22 If the birds do peck through the foil bottle tops , doctors warn against drinking the milk as it could be contaminated with the bug .
23 However , the proposals do contain some features of a Type I1 model .
24 Should the local planning authority determine that the proposals do constitute or involve development , it has to inform the applicant of grounds on which it has reached this decision and also his rights of appeal .
25 In spite of these problems , the proposals do have the potential for righting the current gross geographical imbalance of services , though only if the resources made available to and by local authorities genuinely match the local costs of domiciliary and residential care .
26 A Council of Representatives of People 's Deputies , consisting of 20 representatives from each republic , would have been the interim parliamentary body ; the proposals did envisage , however , a State Council and an Economic Committee as passed in the final resolution .
27 If the Russians do arrive on this scale it will be the largest single wave of what Israelis call aliya ( literally ‘ ascent ’ ) since the immediate post independence years in the early 1950s , a heady return to the heart of the Zionist idea at a time when the country — still fighting the Palestinian uprising , on a permanent war footing and its economy slipping into recession — is far from ready .
28 The cases do suggest , however , that where a director does possess a relevant expertise he should be judged by the standards of a competent practitioner of it , presumably on the ground that he has expressly or impliedly held himself out as being appropriately qualified .
29 The Rules do contain adequate provisions for appeal by the person upon whom a notice is served .
30 The rules do permit the RTC to give away worthless properties to housing groups to use as shelters for the homeless .
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