Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to day " in BNC.

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1 Erm I was interested to note the reference to day care in the area .
2 Will the Minister of State nevertheless assure me that if the move to day care will be to the detriment of those who were receiving in-patient care for endocrine and metabolic problems , he will take action ?
3 The council 's Labour leadership , who have been in control since 1986 , have argued that they had no control over the transactions as the day to day running of the finance department is in the hands of expert financial staff .
4 The club states that all major financial decisions , other than those connected with the day to day running of the club , are put to the membership for approval .
5 Each year , Labour Party Conference debates and votes on a whole range of policies ; policies which will be implemented when Labour comes to power ; policies which will have a massive impact on the day to day lives of every citizen of the state .
6 With a mountain upbringing , Myles Horton developed the idea of Highlander in an attempt to come to grips with the problems which were really facing the mountain people of Appalachia and the rural south , the day to day problems which these communities perceived as being obstacles to them , rather than necessarily those which planners , developers and politicians were telling them about .
7 Planning is divided between county councils and district councils with the day to day administration of planning applications resting mainly with the district councils .
8 The Officer-in-charge ( OIC ) is under the line control of the local Social Work Area Office , but is semi-autonomous with regard to the day to day running of the EPH .
9 This has resulted in the teacher placement organiser being able to influence both the day to day running and longer term decision making of partnership .
10 The rapidity of change and development in and around partnerships demands that review and evaluation is embedded into the day to day action at all levels of the organisation .
11 You are the person who actually provides the day to day care for residents .
12 Croll managed the day to day administration of the office until he retired in 1881 by which time he was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and had been honoured by learned bodies at home and abroad .
13 According to Nigel Horner of environmental advisers The Chartered Green Partnership , the day to day running of companies will be widely affected .
14 But many less naive commentators would agree with Jespersen 's focus on the sexual division of labour , which produces a high degree of sex segregation and a considerable difference in the day to day activities of women and men .
15 When considering an offer of a job in the community it is worth asking a few questions about the day to day management of the service , and the kind of support you can expect to get from your colleagues .
16 Duties include the day to day implementation of the Company 's borehole protection policy .
17 He will be responsible for the day to day management of the association , which works to help the visually handicapped in Essex and adjoining London boroughs .
18 A consultant radiologist was nominated as the local research coordinator and was responsible for the day to day running of the study and the preliminary public relations work .
19 Nevertheless , local services play an essential part in the screening programme and in the day to day care of affected subjects ( box 3 ) .
20 Even if we encourage some doctors to specialise in medical education , most of the day to day teaching will remain the domain of jobbing doctors .
21 In fact , much of the day to day supervision and emotional support of house officers was provided by the senior nurses on the wards where they worked , yet this role of the nursing staff receives no official recognition .
22 The day to day business of preparing for fundholding had been the task of the practice or fund manager(s) together with the lead clinician .
23 It is important that the day to day running of the proposed systems can be undertaken by non-technical personnel .
24 Often the most expensive element in implementing any computer project is the day to day disruption of user departments and the initial and continuing cost of training .
25 The day to day routine of the Home Office in supervising prisons , the probation service and the police , including the handling of prisoners ' petitions and applications for the Royal Prerogative of Mercy , gives it a fund of practical experience of how the law is working and what changes ought to be thought about .
26 Although one consequence of their detached status was that the Commissioners tended to be remote from the day to day process of policy formulation in the higher echelons of the Home Office , they had the advantage of being perceived by the Prison Service as providing a collective leadership in which the professional element in the service could and did play a significant part .
27 As this book shows , the ambivalence , tensions , and dilemmas prompted by the opposing interests in regulation are continuously worked out in the day to day enforcement decisions of field officers .
28 The taxpayer bank 's foreign exchange department continually monitored the day to day situation and decided what certificates should be purchased and at what time before maturity they should be sold .
29 The point is not merely that decisions about the day to day operation of the business or even long-term strategy have been taken out of the shareholders ' hands — this is the intended , central advantage of the corporate form — but that the shareholders are no longer able to shape the purpose for which the business is run , that is , they are unable to oblige management to maximise profits .
30 But even with formalities , the day to day working relationship between two people depends upon goodwill , sensitivity , tact , humility and a whole range of virtues on both sides .
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