Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] people " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , I welcome the opportunity to exhort people who are considering the option of residential care to make inquiries as early as possible with the social security department .
2 Each member receives an Annual Report and the opportunity to propose people to stand for the Executive Committee .
3 For many young men , National Service gave what their universities did n't — access to foreign travel , the opportunity to meet people very different from themselves , and to exercise responsibility for real jobs at a young age .
4 Getting him to hospital is something I dread you would n't believe the struggle to get people to understand how bad it is — it 's usually building up for weeks but until he 's practically killed himself or someone else , no one wants to know .
5 ‘ I get criticised for not going to the cinema to see people 's reaction — but I 'm not there to review the audience . ’
6 I would have to ask whether it is right to use the measure to reward people who did something two years ago , or whether it would be better to use the money to encourage people to continue the process in the future .
7 People talk about reading and about literacy , but they do not spend the money to enable people to achieve that .
8 I would have to ask whether it is right to use the measure to reward people who did something two years ago , or whether it would be better to use the money to encourage people to continue the process in the future .
9 We , something all the money to make people
10 She has a clever new idea for using the computer to read people 's hands .
11 Paul 's brother , John , 22 , said the decision to ask people to dress brightly had been taken jointly by the family .
12 I thought it might be that there was a , we were n't covered for the liability to pick people
13 It would be unusual in the West to find people living next door to each other with so large a difference between their incomes .
14 I was totally unconvinced that he , any more than anyone else , has a solution to the amount of crime and the necessity to send people to prison .
15 The most worrying feature of this decline has been the failure of the industry to train people .
16 ‘ But I believe I have the talent to entertain people from all walks of life , including British pop fans . ’
17 The second strand of the work to help people to move across the European Community is the mutual recognition of qualifications .
18 Therefore , it is essential that people who live around the land , and are thus directly affected , should be protected under section 39 so that they can use the law to move people on .
19 ‘ It 's against the law to squash people under steamrollers . ’
20 But the Labour leader demanded a reshaping of the community to match people 's needs .
21 I mean there is the move to make people judges earlier than they have been recently ?
22 He blacked out a couple of his front teeth with stage cosmetics and made his breath smell with chemical — oldest trick in the business to prevent people looking you in the face close to .
23 He said that whenever members of his family come across a dead chimpanzee in the forest , they dig a grave and cover the body , perhaps with a small piece of cloth , and ask the deceased to greet people in the other world .
24 You have to y y y you have to promote the product to make people buy it .
25 Here where class and its rituals , football teams , chips , queues for everything , council estates , three storey houses , pebble dashed suburbia , languages we 'd never heard , the tube , children who 'd grown up with TV programmes we 'd never seen , pubs and warm beer ( when we saw COURAGE written on pub hoardings we thought they were left over from the war to give people morale ) , tea and gasfires and pets , having to make appointments to see people in advance rather than just arriving , suspicious politeness , all of these began to reveal themselves , intricately and ambiguously .
26 No one can achieve anything without the help of others and we are not talking about militancy , more the desire to support people in their quest to put Darlington to rights .
27 Environmental politics on the global scale will be dominated increasingly by the need to feed people , so any climate shift adversely affecting the American grain-belt will be a serious matter .
28 The need to educate people , both to use deep-fat fryers properly and to clean and filter oil regularly , is a factor also referred to by sales and marketing director for Garland Catering Equipment , Keith Davies .
29 At least he had grown beyond the need to despise people in order to give himself stature .
30 The need to assist people to be economically active where they live may make it expedient to encourage educational support systems linked with other services at the local level .
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