Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] state " in BNC.

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1 The document also proposed the defence of state enterprises , the expulsion of " Yankee troops " and the rejection of government anti-drug plans to eradicate traditional coca leaf production , which threatened the livelihood of an estimated 60,000 peasant farmers .
2 But the American approach to community care does not necessarily diverge from that of Europe where the response of state agencies to public opinion is concerned .
3 Current UN operations in Somalia , characterised by outside military forces inside a state 's territory without the permission of any governmental authority , have put the camel 's nose of intervention under the tent of state sovereignty .
4 The delegation subsequently expressed its dissatisfaction with the inability of State ministers and officials to respond fully to various queries raised by its members .
5 The Alliance for Progress reforms were absurd , given the enormous and very basic lack of educational materials available in the majority of state schools .
6 The Roman Catholic Church was united with the majority of state governors , the trade unions , the business sector and students in supporting a pro-impeachment campaign which was backed by the press and opinion polls and driven by demonstrations which grew in size and frequency between July and September .
7 This would be possible , Lenin believed , because the majority of state administrative functions had become so simplified that they could be ‘ reduced ’ to such simple operations as registering , filing and checking — mere routine .
8 The HSWP government published in September 1989 an amended economic reform programme which put forward the reduction of state ownership , easing restrictions on private businesses , and creation of a market economy , with the use of foreign capital .
9 By the end of the century the link between state service and landed wealth had become markedly weaker : even among the highest ranks of the Civil Service , over 70 per cent of the personnel were landless , and the proportion was greater still in the officer corps .
10 Although the Government has maintained the real value of the retirement pensions , its breaking of the link between state pensions and earnings ( see Part II ) is beginning to have a devastating effect on the relative income of the poorest pensioners .
11 In 1979 the link between state pensions and the average increase in wages was broken by the Government .
12 Third , the direction of state organizations is structured so that accumulation functions are ranked higher than legitimation functions .
13 The provision of state pensions for such people was a welcome addition to the incomes of the extended households they almost invariably belonged to ; it supplemented and sometimes replaced the help which lineages would otherwise have given .
14 Equality has been a powerful theme in British politics since the turn of the century and can be seen in practice in the high marginal rates of income tax in the postwar years reaching until recently a marginal tax of 83 per cent on earned income and 98 per cent on unearned income ; the drive to abolish private education and private health ; the ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ through rent control ; and the provision of state welfare services financed by taxation but free of charge at the time they are used .
15 Under the objective of letting ‘ the children grow tall ’ , that is precisely what the Government has achieved with respect to the distribution of income and wealth , and in the provision of state and private welfare .
16 … With regard to the provision of state benefits , I am advised and do verily believe that [ the mother ] would be eligible for financial assistance under either the Ontario General Welfare Assistance Act ( administered by local municipalities ) or the Family Benefits Act ( administered provincially by the maintenance branch of the Ministry of Community and Social Services ) .
17 The limited steps made by women towards more equal treatment in the provision of state earnings-related pensions were therefore reversed by the 1986 Act .
18 Among his main achievements as resident commissioner were the passing of the Intermediate Education Act ( 1878 ) which established a system of ‘ payment by results ’ for secondary schools , based on success in public examinations ; the recognition of the Irish language as an ‘ extra ’ subject ( for result fees ) in national schools from 1879 ; the provision of state grants for denominational teacher-training colleges ; and the introduction of compulsory free education by the 1892 Irish Education Act .
19 Social liberals , like Booth and Rowntree , and Fabians , like Sydney and Beatrice Webb , may have differed in their views on the extent and the permanence of the provision of state welfare that they advocated , but shared an interest in what they saw as the factual demonstration of the extent of poverty which existed in what was still regarded as the major industrial and political power .
20 Solvents : It should be recognised that the mixture of soil with a solvent does not result in the change of state described in the reaction equation .
21 If the change in state is isothermal then — U = 0 and we again have a perfect differential form for but the strain energy function is now not equal to the internal energy U but to the Helmholtz free energy A = U — TS .
22 However , Bukharin did acknowledge that there would be a long period when petty commodity production would spontaneously arise , and that the struggle between state organised agricultural production and petty commodity production would — as he saw it — be a struggle between socialist and capitalist tendencies in the economic arena .
23 An organised resistance to op-pression , but the building of new social relations , the realisation of desires now , taking place within the organisation as part of the struggle for state power and a new society in the future .
24 The first GCE O and A level examinations were held in 1951 ( S levels were at that time an essential part of the system as well , since on them depended the award of State scholarships to university candidates , before the days of Mandatory awards ) .
25 On the other hand the Commission approved the award of state aid in several countries to assist in the closure of coal mines , as provided for under existing outline legislation .
26 In most of the uses of this type , make is followed by to be , the verb of state par excellence : ( 182 ) So also history is full of anomalies and single events giving colouring to periods and making things to be what they are .
27 The indicative voluntary nature of planning in this period expresses a fundamental problem at the heart of state intervention in Britain .
28 This is , of course , a problem of central importance to the case of state enterprises , and forms a major thread of the following chapter .
29 The party leadership has also accepted the case for state aid for regular elections of trade union officials by members , pre-strike ballots , and the sale of council houses to tenants .
30 Even before the war ended an Education Act was passed which recognized the case for state support for free education up to the age of fourteen .
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