Example sentences of "the [adv] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the coach swung around the mountain 's impressive edge , directly below the vast height , I looked up and seemed to see the grimly laughing face of one of the woodcarver 's gods .
2 In this elegant , compassionate , deeply researched book , the tremendously caring Geoffrey Moorhouse sets before us the facts and figures , the jingoism , pride , pain , as well as the hideous smugness , the cock-ups , the arrogance , and the disasters made by ‘ those who know better ’ .
3 He hated the kitchen and the elegantly curving staircase and the Egyptian rugs on the stone floor of the hall .
4 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
5 The poem above provokes an amused response in many of us , but we urgently need to create a safe place in which the mask can be dropped : such a place may be the healing prayer partnership described above , or it can equally well be the properly functioning housegroup .
6 Having introduced us to the widely ranging Cichlasoma family , and given ideas of how to keep them , our three cichlid experts , JEFF CHALLANDS , MARTIN CHANDLER AND PHIL ROBINSON move on to the nitty-gritty of tanks and equipment .
7 To Adam Smith each trade had its " peculiar infirmity " , and the economist was familiar with the widely selling translation of the classic work by Bernard Ramazzini , De Morbis Artificum Diatriba , which added to the diagnostic list the question : " what occupation does he follow ? …
8 An exceptionally rare occasion — the intensely moving concert-drama by Arthur Honegger , to the poem of Paul Claudel , calls for massive forces … 4 actors , 5 solo singers , children 's choir , double chorus and large symphony orchestra featuring an ondes martenot under the brilliant young American conductor David Robinson .
9 The Habsburgs , though they kept a tight hold on much of Europe , were not the longest serving overlords of Aarau .
10 Mr Billy Baker is the longest serving Engine Driver , having started in the Depot in 1948 as a fireman on the old steam engines , becoming a Driver when the diesel locomotives were introduced into Donnington .
11 Richard Hassan is the longest serving member , with twenty eight years to his credit .
12 The longest serving member of staff has been offered the one post that we will be able to fund from the Scottish Education Department for next session and currently we are waiting for a decision on that matter . ’
13 Even if Bernard Stasi may be right in describing Jack Lang 's cultural policy as a ‘ spectacular performance played behind closed doors for the amusement of the prince and his obliging friends ’ , it will be a challenge to succeed him , the longest serving Minister of Culture of the Fifth Republic .
14 One of the longest serving managers at Sunderland 's Cherry Knowle Hospital , George Wilkinson , retires today , after 40 years service .
15 Orton was the longest serving prisoner of conscience in Africa .
16 Thomas William Stott , who became ill and died at Davenham CC 's AGM in November 1991 at the age of 74 , was one of the longest serving cricket administrators in the country .
17 From left , standing , ( 33 years at Burston makes the longest serving driver ) ; ( newest recruit ) ; ex Eagle Mill ; ( not actually a driver at all ) .
18 Today , Mr Garner is the longest serving board member , and the only one to see TI through both recessions .
19 Up until the accident LF363 was the longest serving aircraft in the RAF , having been taken on charge on January 28 , 1944 , serving with 63 , 309 ( Polish ) and 26 Squadrons .
20 Recently retired DCC Michael McAtamney was the longest serving police officer in the UK with 45 years service .
21 Mr Edward Heath , as Father of the House , the longest serving MP in the new Parliament , will be in the chair for the election .
22 Mr Fallon said he had talked to the longest serving officials in his department who said the expansion rule had been in place as long as they had been there .
23 This remarkable service makes him one of the longest serving employees and something to be proud of .
24 Gary Speed must be the longest serving player at Leeds now with about 5 years .
25 ‘ I mean , do n't let the fact I 'm the longest serving flat-dweller put you off ; the last thing I want to do is embarrass you , Gav , ’ I said ( just a tad tetchily ) .
26 Walker Trophy , named after one of Stoddards late Directors , whose son Mr. Tom Walker , is the longest serving employee in the Company .
27 Records are made to be broken and Tom Walker , although holding the record for the longest serving employee within the group , may well qualify for an industry wide record if it were possible .
28 Prime Minister : Sir Lynden Pindling , the longest serving leader in the Commonwealth , having held office since 1967 .
29 This is not the principle aim of Capitalism Socialism and Democracy ( written in 1942 ) , but it is the longest lasting element of that work , which actually Schumpeter wrote to demonstrate the inevitable and regrettable emergence of socialism ( as he defined it ) after the Second World War .
30 It has the longest lasting poster life in the Underground and the original will last forever . ’
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