Example sentences of "the [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This actual address will be identical with the key as transformed by the algorithm for home records , but will be different for synonyms , as the ancillary file used will allow all the records to be reached in a single seek , as if the file were self-indexed .
2 When we found it and after I had thanked every sea god for my luck and promised never to make the same stupid mistake again , I gingerly inspected the Seayak for damage .
3 Mrs June Goodier , one of the organisers , said they were delighted with the response for help to run the show .
4 Most of the income for Church of England parishes comes from the Church Commissioners .
5 A complete contrast to these three species must be the tiny passerines like the chats , the tits and the finches for example .
6 At the beginning of 1975 , Ford sought a tax cut of $16 billion from congress , but once again the portents for approval were not good .
7 In the daytime for lunch ?
8 Why should those who come to the Park for enjoyment and healthy exercise — walking , cycling , jogging etc — have to put up with the danger , the noise , and the pollution created by those who are looking only to their own convenience ?
9 Although there are now strict regulations governing wood cutting and kerosene is sold at the entrance of the park for cooking , Hillary explains ‘ Lots of people tempt the Sherpas offering money for wooden fires . ’
10 Dear God , though I 'm sweating round the park for death ,
11 An education service is provided by the park for use by the many thousands of school children who visit the park each year .
12 The restoration of the warehouse and the adjoining 457m ( 500yd ) length of canal is viewed with enthusiasm by the Wey and Arun Canal Trust , a society which has worked since the early 1970s for the complete restoration of the Arun Navigation and the Wey and Arun Junction Canal between Pallingham and the River Wey , and which has restored the opportunity for navigation to several stretches of these waterways .
13 MPs did have the opportunity for dalliance , away as they were from home for the best part of the week — and for more than half the year .
14 Whether or not patronage is used in a party political manner , the non-departmental sector nevertheless ‘ affords the opportunity for government by co-option rather than by election or by merit appointment ’ ( Hood , 1978 , p. 41 ) .
15 Also for creative arts , a weekly period of music and art would be insufficient ; rather , a rotational arrangement should be employed which allowed pupils to spend more time on music , say , for part of two years , with the opportunity for work in art and perhaps drama at other times ' .
16 Crop rotation can also help reduce the opportunity for resistance to develop in the insect population .
17 Or it may represent the God-given confusion which represents the opportunity for maturity outside the safe confines of the Garden of Eden .
18 Er we would like to see that improved , indeed part of the proposals for er these schemes before us today , we have taken the opportunity for Killinghall of extending that original close in bypass to bypass sections indeed some of the poorest sections of the A sixty one , to the north of Killinghall where we have a very bad accident record , those will be bypassed by the continuation of this scheme north of Killinghall .
19 Nevertheless , as was also suggested with respect to South Eastern secretarial/office staff , there is the opportunity for computer staff to make a ( semi- ) permanent career out of " temping " , and with the latter group this is made more explicit by the creation of the ( semi ) permanent entity of the company .
20 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
21 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
22 The student is given the opportunity for self-appraisal and realistic goal setting .
23 This tour of Europe and Asia gave the opportunity for Kitto to acquire the knowledge of customs and scenery which he put to good use on his return to England in 1833 by writing articles in the Penny Magazine under the title , ‘ The Deaf Traveller . ’
24 For instance , restriction of the opportunity for reproduction in Drosophila to 3–6-day-old flies for 120 generations resulted in a fall in the late but not the early-life fecundity of females in these ’ r' lines relative to that of females of ’ K' lines where adults of any age could breed .
25 If there was recognition that older people have the capacity but are not given the opportunity for participation and decision-making in , for example , the way residential care and nursing homes are run , then a lot of things would have to change .
26 If marriage exists to create some kind of secure relationship , from which flow mutual rights and expectations , and to provide a stable environment for raising children , if there be any , but is not predicated solely on the opportunity for intercourse , then it can legitimately be extended to cover the union of two persons , one of whom is an operated transsexual .
27 Although the precise management arrangements for each type of contract will differ , the contracting procedure will incorporate several key steps , many of which offer the opportunity for assessment of efficiency .
28 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
29 However , a 72nd-minute break by the powerhouse centre , Paul Rouse , produced the opportunity for Cousin , a late replacement on the left-wing for Adrian Astley-Jones , to dart in for his second try .
30 In our network 's submission on the consultation document we welcomed the opportunity for user expertise to be used in this way if properly supported and paid for .
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