Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Dissent appeared to flourish under toleration became a great cause for concern to those devout Anglicans who throughout the 1680s had been encouraged to believe that the only way to protect the Church and State was by a strict enforcement of the penal laws , and their anxieties were further reinforced by the sermons of the high-flying clergy .
2 The largest had been Gorky ( renamed in 1932 after the writer Maxim Gorky ) , which had reverted to the name Nizhny Novgorod by decree of the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Oct. 23 , 1990 , in compliance with residents ' demands .
3 The resemblance is superficial and since 1946 the polled has been known as the British White .
4 All required materials are now in situ at the intermediate station , Winchcombe , the trackbed has been prepared , and to date over one third of a mile of track has been laid .
5 The upset had been terrible .
6 In recent weeks the single Class 158 allotted to the Cambrian has been stabled at Machynlleth .
7 A dog training scheme to help the deaf has been so successful that the organisers are having to open a second training centre .
8 It is certainly not true , though , that the rich have been ‘ soaked ’ to finance the welfare state .
9 Nearly 40 per cent of the unemployed had been claiming benefit for at least 52 weeks in mid 1989 , although ‘ turnover ’ among shorter duration claimants was by then fairly rapid .
10 As the dole queues have lengthened , so too has the time the unemployed have been without work .
11 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
12 West Belfast Action for the Unemployed has been active on the punitive effects of social security policies on unemployed people in the area .
13 Several factors have contributed to this , but the government 's attitude to the unemployed has been the most crucial factor .
14 For convenience , the reciprocal has been multiplied by 103 ; we work to six decimal places on the left , three on the right .
15 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
16 In the north midlands , the dominant figure in the 1460s had been the king 's brother Clarence , who had been granted the important duchy of Lancaster estates in the region centred on the honour of Tutbury ( Staffs . ) .
17 The 80s had been all about obsessional lifestyles , body consciousness , diet fads , work-out videos , designer leotards , Reeboks and Aqua Libra .
18 Of the three Mölln victims two had lived in Germany for many years and the youngest had been born in Mölln .
19 During Elizabeth 's reign the English had been concerned , as Hakluyt explained , with trade and with opening up new lines of commerce .
20 Military leaders in the sixteenth century who could not find wars to fight elsewhere might turn on their own sovereigns and fight at home ; there had been some decades of civil war in England after the English had been driven out of France in the middle of the fifteenth century .
21 Until then the English had been sailing to places so far from effective Spanish opposition and so thinly populated that the government had not had to provide any help .
22 The English had been fishing there for over a century , and had been settled for over fifty years , so they had a strong position for making the French give up any claims to settle there .
23 I 'm the first to admit the English have been utter bastards .
24 The 2 had been watched by police and were arrested shortly afterwards at their homes in Gloucester and Ruscombe near Stroud .
25 Although the governed have been largely prepared to defer to those in power , their deference has been conditional .
26 Hydrocarbon exploration in overthrust belts is encouraged by these results because the highly disturbed and sometimes metamorphosed rocks of the near-surface have been shown to overlie extensive areas of flat-lying and relatively undisturbed strata , separated by a fundamental detachment zone which is commonly at a depth of only a few kilometres .
27 The British had been taken to the cleaners because foolish politicians in post-war Britain had elected to produce sociologists instead of engineers , and the predictable end result was that Britain had been short on wealth creators and long on spenders .
28 Traditionally the British had been Champagne 's most lucrative customers — after the drink had been popularised in society by the Marlboroughs and the Prince of Wales in the last half of the nineteenth century .
29 The arrival of the British had been impressive : on 24 December 1807 a squadron had anchored in Funchal under the command of Admiral Samuel Hood and consisted of four ships of the line , four frigates and sixteen ships for transporting troops , carrying two regiments of infantry and two companies of artillery .
30 Once the British had been driven from the European mainland , they had lost virtually all of the general intelligence that armies gather on their enemy 's positions , his deployment , and his defences .
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