Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Other treatments adopt an over-simple solution to the problem , always preferring one source to another ; thus the algorithm of Hobbs ( 1976 ) looks at all intrasentential candidates before earlier sentences are considered at all , while Brennan , Friedman & Pollard ( 1987 ) prefer all candidates from the most recent sentence to ones from the current sentence .
2 UBS Securities vice president Marc Schulman correctly forecast the massive NT-on-Alpha tie-up and the intimacy between DEC and Microsoft thirteen months ago ( UX No 328 ) , more on the basis of logic than sources .
3 It would be a mistake , however , even when the intimacy between Lewis and Tolkien was at its strongest , to believe that this was the only thing in both their lives .
4 Jones was in his room in the Cabinet Offices , carrying on the routine business of a Labour Government , of which paradoxically he was throughout his life a consistent voting supporter , but enjoying none of the intimacy with MacDonald which he had achieved with each of the three preceding Prime Ministers .
5 One of the great passages of the Old Testament , Psalm 139 , expresses the intimacy of God 's love for us :
6 After making first animal feed ( korm ) and only later cabbage soup ( shchi ) for the family , she may finally turn to the work that occupies the womenfolk from November until Lent — spinning flax from that blue-flowered , frail-leaved plant plucked by the root in handfuls in the August of 1921 .
7 It broke Tony Cottee … and the Everton striker reveals for the first time the enormous cost of carrying the tag of Britain 's costliest player .
8 ( The judgments of MAULE and ERLE JJ. are omitted . )
9 The facts are fully set out in the judgments of Vinelott J. at first instance [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 204 and of the Court of Appeal [ 1991 ] Ch. 203 .
10 In these circumstances , he submits , relying principally upon the judgments of Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. in Derby & Co .
11 Very properly there was extensive discussion in the judgments of Barnett J. and the Court of Appeal of the English decisions on this recently-developed aspect of criminal procedure .
12 The judgments of God fall upon his enemies .
13 I hope that it is not too perfunctory a way of dealing with this interesting point to say that in my opinion it is comprehensively answered by the judgments in Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd. v. Maxwell [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 991 which Mr. Rawley , for the defendants , brought to your Lordships ' attention .
14 52 , 72 , that the payment was made under compulsion and was recoverable under the principles of the judgments in Morgan v. Palmer .
15 Phillips J. in De Martell , ante , p. 643A–B , having read the judgments in Walker , said he was not surprised at Potts J. 's view .
16 Passages from the judgments from Genn v. Winkel ( 1911 C.A. ) are particularly helpful here .
17 It had taken Sabrina forty minutes to drive from Lausanne to Fribourg and another fifteen minutes to find the isolated goods yard where Teufel , the porter at Lausanne , had said she would find the freight cars .
18 The Prince was in his cups , yet I thought it strange because the porter from Godstowe Priory did not arrive until the early hours of the morning . ’
19 ‘ Your Grace , is it true that the first you heard of the news was when the porter from Godstowe arrived here ? ’
20 Gus ' wife , Elaine , a fashion buyer sampling the wares of the Paris salons , made certain her itinerary embraced a salon or two in London , too , that would neatly coincide with the activities at Twickenham .
21 Little is known of the activities at Pitts Mill ; presumably it was run in conjunction with its neighbour .
22 After a meeting of EC Foreign Ministers and WEU Defence Ministers also on Sept. 19 a communiqué stated that " no military intervention is contemplated " but proposed that the WEU should explore ways of supporting the activities of EC monitors to make their contribution more effective .
23 Of prime importance for the history of Roman attitudes to Greek art are the activities of Paullus ' successors , Quintus Caecilius Metellus ( later named Macedonicus for his victories in Macedonia ) and Lucius Mummius .
24 Restrictions were also lifted on the activities of US non-governmental and non-profit organizations carrying out humanitarian work in Vietnam .
25 Both the August initiatives were intended to reduce anti-US feeling which in recent weeks had increased following the activities of US military and anti-drug personnel in the country .
26 It will examine the main determinants of international production and foreign direct investment and how these have changed over the last 50 years ; the way in which decisions are taken within multi-national enterprises ; the changing forms of international involvement , and the impact of the activities of MNEs on the home and host economies in which they operate .
27 KGB operatives in Eastern Europe : believed not only to monitor , but direct , the activities of East European counter-intelligence and security personnel operating within the WTO armed forces .
28 In section 2.3.2 we made a distinction which is often made between the activities of banks or , more strictly , ‘ institutions comprising the monetary sector ’ and the activities of NBFIs .
29 Firstly , we now recognise that it is possible , in certain circumstances , for the activities of NBFIs to cause changes in the size of the money stock .
30 On the activities of NBFIs by far the most authoritative and recent account is Goacher and Gurwen ( 1987 ) .
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