Example sentences of "anywhere [prep] earth " in BNC.

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1 Using recent developments in survey technology , it is possible to fix anywhere on Earth in geocentric coordinates to within one or two centimetres .
2 This permits them to build up a picture of how the weather is changing virtually anywhere on Earth .
3 Extra-sensitive radars are continually detecting not only tensions among countries and peoples anywhere on Earth , but also the smallest disputes among friends , or even among parents and children .
4 They contain the richest and the most varied assemblage of animal and plant life to be found anywhere on earth .
5 And some masticate earth with saliva to produce a cement that sets as hard as rock and with it build some of the most magnificent and complex mansions to be found anywhere on earth except for those made by mankind .
6 and wondered if there 's anywhere on earth — Australasia
7 asking if anywhere on earth
8 An estimated 40,000,000 people witnessed the longest total eclipse of the Sun visible anywhere on Earth on July 11 in a 150-mile path stretching from Hawaii , through central America and into the north-east of south America .
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