Example sentences of "perform the essential " in BNC.

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1 All that Ormrod J. is in fact saying is that there has to be a woman in a marriage , because someone has to perform the essential role of a woman in the marriage , and this essential role is to be a woman , biologically so determined .
2 The logic of Ormrod J. 's decision must cause us to say that the male in these examples is no longer able to perform the essential role of a male — that is , assert his biological maleness — and is not , therefore , a male for the purposes of marriage , and that therefore there is no marriage .
3 Yet Ormrod J. follows his own logic to conclude that April Ashley , in purely biological terms , is not a woman ; yet biological terms are all that count , because there has to be someone who can perform the essential role of a woman ( remember , the essential role is to be a woman , since marriage is the relationship between a man and a woman ) : therefore , for marriage purposes , April Ashley by law is a man , and there is no marriage.45 No way out of this particular self-made legal thicket is provided , unfortunately , by an amendment to the Nullity of Marriages Act , passed into law as section l(c) .
4 who , with or without reasonable accommodation , can perform the essential functions of the employment position that such individual holds or desires …
5 First , it may be an aspect of the decision whether disabled persons are ‘ qualified ’ or not , in the sense of whether they can perform the essential functions of the job .
6 For , he reasons , only a biological female ‘ is naturally capable of performing the essential role of a woman in marriage ’ .
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