Example sentences of "outside the united " in BNC.

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1 Pastrami , made famous outside the United States by the television series Kojak , in which the hero ate this meat on rye bread , is salted and spiced brisket of beef .
2 About 21% of the company 's 298,000 employees work outside the United States ( compared with 45% of IBM 's 374,000 and 49% of Ford 's 367,000 ) .
3 Last year 's sales of baseball merchandise outside the United States exceeded $3.5m ( £2m ) and worldwide interest is sure to grow when the sport makes its debut in this year 's Olympics .
4 By the thirties there were picture-halls galore , over 130 , and with more cinemas than any other city in the world outside the United States , Glasgow was no mean Cinema-City .
5 However the methodologies in assessing soil erosion hazard , as well as policy instruments , may well not be applicable outside the United States .
6 the Directors be authorised to establish any further employee share option scheme which they consider appropriate for employees of the Company or any subsidiary or associate of the Company who are resident or working outside the United Kingdom , provided that :
7 A euro-dollar deposit is a time deposit denominated in dollars in a bank branch ( US or non-US owned ) outside the United States whilst a euro-dollar loan is a dollar-denominated loan made by a bank branch outside the United States .
8 A euro-dollar deposit is a time deposit denominated in dollars in a bank branch ( US or non-US owned ) outside the United States whilst a euro-dollar loan is a dollar-denominated loan made by a bank branch outside the United States .
9 This chapter begins by examining what has been happening outside the United Kingdom .
10 The first American Museum outside the United States of America illustrating 200 years of American history and art through a series of furnished rooms and exhibitions .
11 One key fact they should remember is that outside the United States , by far the largest amount of their prize money comes from events organised and funded by national associations which , in turn , are part of the ITF .
12 Nine of the first ten qualifiers in this year 's race were born outside the United States .
13 It also says that the group is not confident of winning new-issue mandates outside the United States .
14 It followed that the proper jurisdictional limits were the same as those applying to subpoenas , which can not be addressed to persons outside the United Kingdom .
15 Government regarded as an unacceptable invasion of its own sovereignty the use of proceedings in the United States courts as a means by which the United States government sought to investigate activities outside the United States of British companies and individuals which might infringe American anti-trust laws As has already been noted , a request for extracts from a public record is an example of a Request falling outside the judicial function in some States .
16 This argument is distinctly unappealing to lawyers outside the United States system .
17 Texas Instruments , the American merchant producer , made its first overseas chip production investment in 1957 ; it chose the United Kingdom because at that time the UK represented the most favourable military and computer market outside the United States .
18 In markets outside the United States , local distributors determine pricing and have to base their policies on the price at which Franklin supply and the discount structures that exist locally .
19 ( 2 ) It is not disputed that the debenture , including the fixed and floating charge created by it , is to be construed according to English law which draws no distinction , in the case of an English company at least , between property located within and property located outside the United Kingdom : see In re The Anchor Line ( Henderson Brothers ) Ltd. [ 1937 ] Ch. 483 , 487 , 488 .
20 By section 38 , an authorised institution other than one whose principal place of business is outside the United Kingdom is obliged to make a report to the Bank of England when it has entered into a large transaction as defined by the section with consequent large exposure to risk .
21 Section 84 provides that section 82 does not preclude the disclosure by the Bank of information to a numerous class of specified persons , including , most significantly , ‘ for the purpose of enabling or assisting an authority in a country or territory outside the United Kingdom to exercise — ( a ) functions corresponding to those of — ( i ) the Bank under this Act : ’ subsection ( 6 ) ( a ) .
22 While it was aware of the threat of a general strike of seamen in May 1911 , it saw little support for this outside the United Kingdom and the United States , where Andrew Furuseth , president of the International Seamen 's Union and a close ally of Wilson 's , had taken a leading part in the agitation for an international dispute .
23 Resource allocation from central to local government does take into account the a real disadvantage through the use of an index of deprivation derived by combining estimates of the proportion of the children under 17 in the local authority who were in households lacking amenities ; in one-parent households ; in households with four or more dependent children ; with a head of household in a semi-skilled , unskilled or agricultural occupation ; in families receiving supplementary benefit ; themselves born outside the United Kingdom , or in a family whose head was born abroad .
24 For each primary pupil estimated as being in a household where the child , or the head of household , was born outside the United Kingdom , Eire , the United States or the Old Commonwealth , the Authority receives an extra £274 ; if the pupil is estimated to be in a household which is lacking amenities or overcrowded , is in a one-parent household , has four or more dependent children under the age of 16 , where the head is semi-skilled , unskilled or a farm worker , or whose family is in receipt of Supplementary Benefit , the authority accrues an additional £137 on each count .
25 The Act applies in certain circumstances to occurrences outside the United Kingdom .
26 And figures for the country of birth of heads of household give only a rough estimate of ethnic minority populations , as some members of ethnic minorities live in households whose head was born in the United Kingdom , and some of those living in households whose head was born outside the United Kingdom do not belong to ethnic minorities .
27 any liability , injury , loss or damage arising outside the United Kingdom unless notification has been given to General Accident and an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) issued .
28 any liability , injury , loss or damage arising outside the United Kingdom .
29 One other noticeable feature was that nearly 30% of participants were from institutions outside the United Kingdom , with Australia , Austria , Brazil , Canada , Denmark , Eire , Greece , Hong Kong , India , Italy , Netherlands , Norway , Slovenia , South Africa and the U.S.A. all represented .
30 The hon. Gentleman 's views can give comfort only to the farmers outside the United Kingdom on whom the Leader of the Opposition wishes to spend our money .
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