Example sentences of "express concern for " in BNC.

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1 The harshly punitive impact of the new social conservatism on these women and their children contrasts with right-wing rhetoric expressing concern for the family .
2 The fact that the visit took place on the anniversary of Edmund 's death , together with the peacock cloak , suggests that Cnut was expressing concern for Edmund 's salvation .
3 The primary purpose is to express concern for the individual involved and to give them a listening ear .
4 She had two young children , aged five and seven , and the ASW expressed concern for their welfare .
5 She provides a lopsided interpretation of Freemantle 's report that on her death bed the poet expressed concern for her father and asked that the subscription be carried on for his sake :
6 Detectives in Colchester expressed concern for Lisa 's safety following her disappearance and revealed that she was known to be upset over personal problems .
7 In the secondary survey the Inspectorate expressed concern for the balance , breadth , complexity ( of options ) and coherence of the curriculum .
8 The primary school survey expressed concern for the range of work , i.e. too much emphasis on the basics , and the lack of continuity ( a point we have noted already ) .
9 India , which had removed the final contingent of Indian Peace-Keeping Force ( IPKF ) troops from Sri Lanka in March 1990 [ see p. 37316 ] , expressed concern for the plight of Tamil civilians but made it clear that it would not permit its territory to be used to support militant activity .
10 Following the first of the month 's raids , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Sadako Ogato , expressed concern for the killing of nine people , including women and children , in an Iraqi Kurdish village 30 km inside the border .
11 On Aug. 20 Egypt expressed concern for the safety and integrity of Iraqi territory .
12 Last week 's column expressed concern for the whereabouts of Peter ‘ Ice ’
13 Michael Fallon Conservative MP for Darlington expressed concern for Rothmans ' workers with the possible decline in that industry .
14 On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father 's advancing age .
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