Example sentences of "express [pron] concern " in BNC.

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1 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
2 A few years ago , I wrote expressing my concern that the village of West Linton , Peeblesshire , had ‘ moved ’ from being 18 miles outside the GPO in Edinburgh to 16 and then to 14 miles .
3 A member of the Panel for twelve years , Mrs Laughton had written in November 1990 to the Secretary of State for Scotland , expressing her concerns about the deterioration of the system in Orkney since the suspension of Mrs Kemp .
4 The local newspaper published a letter from the Queen Mother , as patron of the Georgian Group , expressing her concern for the building .
5 In response to a letter from an NVALA member , the Queen replied expressing her concern that such an ‘ obnoxious ’ film might be made in Britain .
6 Health and safety inspectors had visited the site after an anonymous phone call from a woman expressing her concern that ‘ people in this day and age were exposed to such dangers . ’
7 AI has appealed to Brazilian parliamentarians expressing its concern over the moves to reinstate the death penalty .
8 ‘ I have been contacted by a number of my constituents , who work for Clwyd County Council , expressing their concerns about the way they will be represented during the period of local government reorganisation .
9 Following the article ‘ Iron Trade ’ in the August/September Amnesty by Brian Wood concerning the overseas promotion of leg cuffs , and the many letters written by Amnesty readers to MPs expressing their concern , the Minister of State for Trade and Industry , Tim Sainsbury , launched an official inquiry .
10 I have received many such representations and I well understand the depth of feeling on the part of those expressing their concern .
11 ‘ We 've had calls from very many people today expressing their concern . ’
12 He found it incredible that Mr Adams should issue a statement within hours of the hospital bombing expressing his concern for patients in the granting of trust status to the Royal Victoria Hospital .
13 Four months later , Mr Mellor , then part of the Government 's Treasury team , wrote expressing his concern at the amount he still owed .
14 Mr. Walker : I can understand the Hon. Gentleman expressing his concern about the opting out of hospitals in rural Wales , having looked at some of the press comments on the proposals .
15 ‘ Dana has had a slight accident , ’ Roman said , his deep voice expressing his concern .
16 The UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , had sent a letter on Dec. 12 to the German government , expressing his concern over German intentions .
17 write to your MP expressing your concerns
18 you may feel like expressing your concern very strongly .
19 Write to the Prime Minister of India , expressing your concern about the widespread use of torture by the security forces to interrogate and intimidate detainees .
20 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
21 Erm , is it your wish that we would write expressing our concern and would it be possible for us to erm delegate this to Councillor and the Town Clerk , with the Chairman of Planning obviously in n it ?
22 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
23 Guidelines are being produced by the IEC to enable AI to express its concerns on the taking of hostages by nges , and deliberate or arbitrary killings by nges .
24 The BA intends to write to MPs and peers to express its concern , and will ask members to lobby their local MPs and warn customers of the VAT threat .
25 Only yesterday a delegation from the Manufacturing Science Finance Union , MSF , came to the House to express its concern about big organisations , such as GEC , which have significant defence contracts .
26 The position of Morocco was complex in that the government , having committed forces on the allied side , was compelled by the strength of domestic feeling to express its concern over the war .
27 He considers attempts by county councils to set up ‘ industrial liaison groups ’ through which firms were able to express their concerns over planning processes and procedures , and planners tried to influence the behaviour of firms .
28 Audit committee meetings enable internal and external auditors to discuss their findings with senior management and provide the latter with an opportunity to express their concerns to the auditors .
29 Parents may be able to express their concern in the clinic while they just get angry and irritated at home .
30 In order to express their concern for equality and individual autonomy , liberals often insist that certain rights should be fundamental to the framework of society .
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