Example sentences of "maintain [art] present " in BNC.

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1 The joint chiefs of staff assessed Korea in September and concluded that ‘ from the standpoint of military security , the United States has little strategic interest in maintaining the present troops and bases in Korea … ’ .
2 " There is no chance of maintaining the present state of affairs , " he added .
3 Your Board has also , of course , looked very hard at how it would ensure we maintain the present secure and friendly image of Abbey National .
4 This would preserve people 's ability to take payment method into account when choosing their jobs , and maintain the present guarantee for existing workers that their payment method can not be changed against their will .
5 They recommended we maintain the present scoring system .
6 They would both maintain the present cycle of welfare dependency in education , whereby parents are unable to exercise their proper responsibility , as a result of which the spirit of freedom atrophies and schools run down .
7 It is for that reason , I believe , that the Government have decided that we should maintain the present system .
8 Europe 's semi-conductor producers , mainly France and Holland , are campaigning to maintain the present 40% level of tariffs on imports .
9 In 1976 BR told the government : ‘ Current levels of investment are quite inadequate to keep pace with the rate at which the system and its assets are running down and wearing out … to maintain the present investment ceilings would entail the progressive decline and eventual closure of a substantial proportion of the system and its services . ’
10 The various devices used by the courts to maintain the present position will be discussed below .
11 When rumours leaked out that the Welsh Office , rather than grasping this opportunity , were seeking a ‘ derogation ’ to allow it to maintain the present battery of schemes , CPRW asked David Hunt to ‘ introduce a single , comprehensive agri-environmental scheme for the whole of Wales , integrating existing area-based schemes such as ESAs , Tir Cymen , National Park and SSSI management agreements , as well as the extensification and organic farming conversion schemes currently under consideration .
12 The research aims to investigate some of the social psychological factors that have helped to maintain the present conflict .
13 But there is one theory which will not hold water for a moment ; and that is , that we were sent here to maintain the present Government in office .
14 Significantly , the Law Commission Working Paper No 160 did not adopt this approach preferring , in the case of consumers , to maintain the present categorisation of implied terms as conditions ( para 4.15 ) .
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