Example sentences of "everyone could see " in BNC.

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1 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
2 And all was well , as everyone could see when big , proud , handsome and scatty-but-obedient Moby launched himself out of the car ( on command , of course ! ) for the video cover photo call .
3 The bodies would look sordid and ugly , dressed in old , rather soiled nightshirts and laid in open-topped coffins , slightly tilted so that everyone could see the contents .
4 His handwriting was so bad that Mr Sunderland had pinned his composition to the notice-board in the hall so everyone could see he was the worst writer in the whole school .
5 I experienced a moment of complete terror in which my mind raced — I had been discovered after all ; it was obvious that I had a limp ; everyone could see it ; they 'd seen it all along and had chosen this moment to hit me with it , my weakest moment …
6 The Chairman placed a large digital clock on the conference table where everyone could see it .
7 Everyone could see where that trail was leading .
8 Raoul dabbed at his nose with the back of his hand , and everyone could see the resulting scarlet streak .
9 The matter , everyone could see , was closed .
10 She had the Monument built on top of the hill so everyone could see it as a landmark .
11 They were portrayed as somebody above us — and once it was seen they are not , everyone could see they are like the rest of us .
12 It was a big relief because everyone could see we should have won it . ’
13 Then , without warning , she grabbed hard and pulled it up into the air so that everyone could see what she was doing .
14 The therapist and the group jointly answered those irrational statements , and everyone could see the funny side of the bizarre nature of her final image .
15 Well , they jogged along for some time but , as you might care to imagine , there had to come a moment when the legs had reached the top of the tree , everyone could see everything and therefore the game had finished .
16 Everyone could see his ship — all 20,000 tonnes of her .
17 The envelope was too big for the bag , so everyone could see it .
18 ‘ And when you got back here , everyone could see that Walter was just a shell , just a husk you 'd had all the goodness out of .
19 He rummaged under the counter and produced a colour chart , and , shoving the display-case of cakes to one side he flattened it out so that everyone could see and comment as they saw fit .
20 They hung it to an almond tree in the square by its ankles so that everyone could see it , and when it began to rot they burned it in a bonfire , for they could not determine whether its bastard nature was that of an animal to be thrown in the river or a human being to be buried …
21 Everyone could see that .
22 Somehow it always righted itself and reached the front , where new hands seized it and raised it high so that everyone could see it .
23 Adams also had a blast at the opposition , saying : ‘ Everyone could see the way Fife wanted to play the game .
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