Example sentences of "regard himself as " in BNC.

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1 He regarded himself as a liberal and a ‘ friend of black people ’ .
2 Ernie , who regarded himself as an expert with horses , had never at any time reassessed his skills .
3 In spite of the fact that the Carews had been in Ireland since the middle of the seventeenth century , he still regarded himself as an expatriate living among a semi-barbarous people in a semi-barbarous land .
4 It is interesting that in his later years Wordsworth regarded himself as a statesman as much as a poet ; he certainly annoyed his womenfolk by talking politics incessantly with Robert Southey , though one might have expected two writers to bore the company with literary theory .
5 However , Hope , by that time , clearly regarded himself as the embodiment of blacks ' ambitions .
6 He regarded himself as ‘ a bit of an antiquarian ’ but excavation was beyond his experience , so he called in John Barber , Classics Master at Oakham School who had dug in Greece with the British School at Athens .
7 This is not to be viewed as condescending : Roderick regarded himself as a student of the subject and said so on many occasions during the writing of the new book .
8 By now Wood regarded himself as something between his esteemed guest 's confidant and his protector .
9 For a time Malins regarded himself as a Liberal Unionist , but he made policy toward drink the only basis for supporting parliamentary candidates .
10 By 1920 , although still receiving the Conservative whip in Parliament , Herbert regarded himself as an Independent , formally crossing the floor on the Irish vote on 20 November and thereafter sitting on whichever side he felt inclined .
11 Robin Smith does not regard himself as an automatic selection for this summer 's campaign against Pakistan , despite winning the Cornhill player of the year award .
12 Ludens was a historian , but certainly did not regard himself as a Jewish historian .
13 But you seem to forget Kinsella regards himself as a patriot .
14 He claims that he regards himself as ‘ someone who has stepped off the edge of a cliff ’ .
15 This weekend , as he took the fight surrounded and supported by fluttering Union Jacks , it was clear that Lennox regards himself as ‘ one of ours ’ .
16 Lydon 's counsel alleged that Malcolm McLaren ‘ regards himself as a Svengali of these people to do whatever he cares without asking anybody else ’ .
17 In career terms , Sir Patrick regards himself as the ‘ freak ’ of the Wright family .
18 Though born in Britain , he regards himself as a citizen of Europe and Italy as his adopted home .
19 There were times when he spoke as though he was living in the days of his ancestor , Richard ; regarding himself as a feudal overlord with the power of life and death over his vassals .
20 He continued , however , to develop his often original ideas on communications technology , regarding himself as ‘ an inventor of mechanisms to serve ideas ’ .
21 No doubt his personal friendship with Wyatt , which was sustained throughout the work , helped , but Scott , with some justification , seemed to regard himself as the senior partner .
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