Example sentences of "identify himself with " in BNC.

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1 Before Charles could give an order to his platoon , in which he could identify himself with them in such a disagreeable manoeuvre , the new Company Commander continued to pursue the military solecism of humiliating an officer in front of his own command .
2 Yet he could never identify himself with a counter-attack either .
3 Yet , says Paul , what the Law could not do , Christ did : he identified himself with my sin and took my place .
4 So there was a restlessness that could help explain his proneness to melancholia , and at the same time account for the extraordinary enthusiasm with which , in later life , he identified himself with the people of different parts of the Mediterranean coastline in turn : Greeks , Italians , Jews , Arabs .
5 Perhaps he still identified himself with the man who bought a duffel cloak for Alice Fell ( see Critical Survey , p. 118 ) ; he instructed his daughter to buy the child a doll — ‘ only let it be a good big one ’ .
6 That Smart identified himself with other disciples as a missionary is apparent from a long passage in Fragment B , beginning at line 123 :
7 Like the Shah , Sadat identified himself with the state .
8 From the first he closely identified himself with the city , its people , and their aspirations in ways which helped to break down many of the prejudices of his people and their Presbyterian neighbours .
9 Wolf identified himself with the existing élite of Anglo-Jewry in regarding Jewish emancipation in England as a success story , and expecting that the growth of tolerance would enable Jews elsewhere to live both within their ancestral religion and culture , and as full citizens of their respective countries .
10 I did not usurp power but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power , in other words this is the modesty part I acted for the public welfare , I acted for the common wellbeing of all our people whenever and in whatever manner was necessary unless prevented by direct constitutional or legislative prohibition Roosevelt suggested that the president subject only to the people of the United States and he identified himself with Andrew Jackson and with Abraham Lincoln .
11 Unluckily , the model begins to identify himself with his divine original and violence threatens .
12 Paul VI was from then on unable to identify himself with the ‘ progressives ’ in a way he had managed hitherto .
13 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
14 The lyric poet ( in general ) is a composer first and foremost and , as such , a Dionysiac artist who surrenders his egoistic subjectivity to identify himself with the true metaphysical reality and reflect it in music .
15 Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters , however independent and tolerant he may be , write a fair-minded book about Pound ?
16 We should now be in a position to answer Herbert Schniedau 's question : ‘ Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters … write a fair-minded book about Pound ? ’
17 On the basis of the principle of identity on the other hand , no subjection of nature can take place , since man identifies himself with the processes of nature .
18 He identifies himself with the prophets of the Old Testament in addressing contemporary life , and echoes St Paul when he sees himself keeping the streams of doctrine pure : ‘ For I am inquisitive in the Lord , and defend the philosophy of the scripture against vain deceit ’ ( A130 ) .
19 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
20 Outside the camp ( 27 ) : neither offering might be eaten , since no one was to eat any of his own sin-offering , an Aaron identifies himself with the people in their sin-offering .
21 The Miller , in his tale , re-emerges in the target figure that superficially seems meant to represent the Reeve ; the Reeve then retrospectively identifies himself with a trickster and target figure : the trickster who makes a fool of the character supposed to represent him but who is subsequently made a fool of himself from another quarter .
22 Cameron began to wonder if Mr Menzies was identifying himself with Job , and when he ended ringingly on ‘ Shall we receive good at the hand of God , and shall we not receive evil ? ’ , the suspicion was confirmed .
23 The Observer commented that Ramsey destroyed his chances of succeeding Fisher as archbishop by so openly identifying himself with the extreme high church party .
24 Clarissa was horrified lest Charles thought of identifying himself with such a call .
25 The English king was certainly identifying himself with God , and with a vengeance .
26 Gandhi himself claimed that his purpose in fasting was to take upon himself the burden of the workers ; he was identifying himself with them and sharing their despair , frustration and suffering .
27 In fact he was identifying himself with his Girondin friends who were guillotined by the Jacobins in October and November 1793 ; although the story that Wordsworth visited France at this time to take help to the Girondins may be untrue , this is clearly what he would have wished to do if an opportunity had arisen .
28 As far as personnel are concerned , every attempt will be made to refer to them according to skills , professions or areas of activity ( e.g. audio-visual technicians , media producers , design consultants ) , and normally the expression " educational technologist " will imply someone consciously identifying himself with the theory and methodology of the movement .
29 It is small wonder that Darwin thought twice about threatening his own privileged position by identifying himself with a new twist on this old theme .
30 In terms of identifying himself with the peoples suffering it was a disaster .
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