Example sentences of "present himself as " in BNC.

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1 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
2 Head tilted back , and firing out ideas like a machine-gun in his nasal North London voice , he had presented himself as a man with his finger on the modem business pulse .
3 The one certainty is that he has consistently sought to secure his own position , mostly by presenting himself as a sensible centrist between the extremes to his right and left .
4 He 's arranging a Greek tour presenting himself as the world 's only singing , dancing , somersaulting potentate .
5 He was now presenting himself as a cynical hard-nosed East End wheeler-dealer .
6 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
7 What the , President and colleagues as well as presenting himself as a great European leader , a demand which is not seen as be particularly , although at the moment , John Major and his government have sought to present themselves as green .
8 The PSI leader Bettino Craxi , whose reputation had suffered indirectly from corruption scandals in Milan [ see p. 38896 ] , had announced on June 17 that he was no longer presenting himself as a candidate for Prime Minister , but had given President Oscar Scalfaro a list of three PSI candidates — Amato , outgoing Foreign Minister Gianni De Michelis , and outgoing Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Claudio Martelli .
9 He spent a good deal of time in his satires , presenting himself as a satirist — unplaced , unpensioned , no man 's heir or slave he proudly describes himself as he tells us that he 's willing to lash out at even the most eminent public figures .
10 Mr Kinnock presenting himself as the country 's next Prime Minister , won a standing ovation at his Party Conference at Blackpool .
11 Neil Kinnock has won a standing ovation from the Labour Party faithful at their conference in Blackpool , by presenting himself as the next Prime Minister .
12 MIKHAIL Gorbachev presents himself as the saviour of socialism .
13 Wishing for ‘ much the same unity on a higher plane ’ , he presents himself as a kind of agriculturalist , concerned with ‘ our relation to the spiritual soil ’ .
14 For first he presents himself as a nice , serious , liberated person .
15 In them he presents himself as a ‘ pickle ’ , that is as a self-confessed reprobate , who made good .
16 He presents himself as an individualist , who only later and almost reluctantly becomes aware of the wider aspects of the war as a battle for civilization and humanity .
17 In 1964 Mr Wilson presented himself as a radical figure , but by 1974 he was comparing himself to a family doctor , and hoped , in his own words , ‘ to achieve … peace and quiet for the country ’ .
18 He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy , but it was a lie , she says .
19 His robot companions were now to operate well away from him across a fairly large room and at key moments in the drama when there was an anticipatory silence from everyone else , he found he had the personal ‘ power ’ , and with some verbal style ( and a high degree of repressed excitement as he discovered he could be publicly effective ) he presented himself as an efficient robot controller .
20 As Gregory Elliott has recently emphasized , although Althusser always presented himself as the figure of the rigours of orthodoxy against the eclecticism of the existentialists , in his own work he was just as catholic , allying Marxism with non-Marxist philosophy , even if it was a history of science to which , he claimed , ‘ French philosophy owes its renaissance in the last thirty years ’ .
21 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
22 Williams , a right-wing , self-made multimillionaire with interests in oil , telecommunications and ranching , who had never before held elected office , presented himself as a Texan cowboy who was " as comfortable on the back of a horse as … in a corporate board room " .
23 Each is eager to present himself as the most qualified man to head off protectionist measures and to restore Japan 's good name , which lately has been looking a little tarnished .
24 The obverse of his strength as party leader in the peculiar circumstances of British politics today has been his inability to present himself as a national leader .
25 He wo n't do it without help from his manager , a man who likes to present himself as a disciplinarian but who appears powerless to prevent his players misbehaving on the field .
26 He has always worked hard to present himself as a rounded political being and flung himself into debates on law and public safety , the environment and unemployment .
27 Bosch , who had moderated his left-wing image to present himself as the defender of the small and medium businessman in the face of state bureaucracy and corruption , still retained the appeal of the reformer who had been ousted from office by the military in 1963 and by the invasion of US troops in 1965 .
28 The successful Peronist in San Luis , incumbent governor Alberto Rodríguez Saa , announced his intention to present himself as a candidate for the 1995 presidential elections .
29 With Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa established as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party 's liberal wing in the nomination race , Clinton 's strategy , like that of Bob Kerrey , was to present himself as a " new " alternative offering change from the party 's past ( see p. 38427 ) .
30 It allowed Franco to play the nationalist card more blatantly than ever , using his public appearances to recall the horrors of the Civil War and to present himself as both martyr on the altar of Spain 's liberation from communism and guarantor of the continued existence of Spain as a coherent socio-political entity .
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