Example sentences of "throw herself [prep] " in BNC.

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31 She threw herself off the bed and hauled the first outfit that came to hand from the wardrobe .
32 Leila threw herself on Quincx , gabbling about what happened .
33 As she was about to say , ‘ I 'll tell the mistress you 've come , ’ there was a scampering of feet on the stairs , and Annabel almost threw herself on Millie , crying , ‘ Oh ! how lovely !
34 She raced upstairs to her apartment and threw herself on the bedcover , a Welsh patchwork quilt in a soft pattern of cream and pink .
35 She went into another room and threw herself on a bed .
36 She began to yell furiously , then threw herself on the ground , red-faced with rage , stamping her feet and screwing up her eyes .
37 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
38 Then she went through and threw herself on the comfortable cool silk bedcover , and lay in luxury , gazing up at the gently rotating white fan .
39 Sister Bell threw herself over the body of the child , the repetitive tap of the bullets told us were we being especially dive-bombed , and shot up .
40 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
41 When he stopped the car on the way home Sally threw herself at him .
42 Ace threw herself at the speeder controls , stamping on the throttle override while wrenching the steering column forward .
43 ‘ She probably threw herself at him .
44 An oriental girl dressed as a matador wrenched off her domino and threw herself at me .
45 And so she threw herself at him , leaping for his throat , a tall , strong , totally desperate girl with nothing whatsoever to lose , who would have been hard for any man to handle , even a man as powerful and totally unchivalrous as Christie Goldsborough , had he not been ready for her .
46 She charged into the room and threw herself at him , punching him hard with her small , clenched fists .
47 ‘ Would n't you be flattered if a beautiful woman threw herself at you ? ’
48 Bernice threw herself at another of the creatures .
49 As the implications of the purposes of this scarecrow figure dawned on her , his sister screamed out that he was crazy , and perhaps even threw herself at him to prevent his plan .
50 With another whoop of delight the child threw herself at Jake , flinging her arms around him as he bent down to scoop her up .
51 Jezrael threw herself to her knees beside him , not daring to touch his rag-doll body .
52 Returning to the main cavern at a dead run , Ace threw herself to the side as a cluster of boxes not far off exploded with a sharp blast , hurling several of the defenders into he oily waters .
53 Julie screamed again and threw herself to one side , hissing in pain as a silver of broken glass sliced through the flesh on the back of her left hand .
54 Valerie Place , 23 , of the Irish charity Concern , threw herself to the car floor when gunmen opened fire on the convoy near Afgoi , 20 miles west of the capital Mogadishu .
55 Concern 's chief executive , Aengus Finucane , in Somalia on a visit , said : ‘ Wendy Murphy , a nurse who was with Valerie , said Valerie threw herself to the floor of the car when the shooting started .
56 On one occasion she threw herself against a glass display cabinet at Kensington Palace while on another she slashed at her wrists with a razor blade .
57 ‘ It 's out of the question , ’ he responded harshly , but Melanie threw herself against him .
58 With all her strength , she forced herself to stand and threw herself around the corner .
59 Stray shots buzzing all around , Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags , just as her ammunition ran out .
60 Summoning every scrap of courage , Mildred suddenly barged through the rows of pupils and threw herself in front of Mr Hellibore .
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