Example sentences of "proposal put [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Angela Rumbold , Education Minister , said in a BBC Radio interview that there was no question of reviving the proposals put forward by the Higginson Committee for a ‘ leaner and fitter ’ five-subject Alevel .
2 The redevelopment proposals put forward for the site at first envisaged that all the shopping should go underground .
3 One of the worst proposals put forward for the church was to turn it into a hamburger joint , run by the restaurant chain , Garfunkels : hardly a use compatible with the dignity of a historic church .
4 Papers for Committees must be short and must contain a concise summary of the proposals put forward for consideration .
5 Proposals put forward by Maynard et al ( 1986 ) for GP budgets would overcome this problem , since GPs would act as gatekeepers to their own budgets .
6 Flushed with the success of his trolleybus venture in the Kingston area of the London United Tramways , Mr. Spencer obtained permission in July 1932 to apply for powers to run trolleybuses on the Sutton route of the South Metropolitan company , so that he could implement the third item of the proposals put forward in 1931 .
7 Morning and afternoon sessions were mainly taken up with the business of the Union and these were highlighted by the clarity of reporting and the general agreement of delegates to the proposals put forward .
8 Mr Patten said there had been ‘ static in the air ’ before over proposals put forward by the Hong Kong government .
9 In the third case Mrs Jones refused to accept the proposals put forward by the professionals for meeting Tom 's needs .
10 This 1960 proposal thus predated the major space proposals put forward by President Kennedy early in 1961 — proposals which included the moon-landing programme and what became the INTELSAT world telecommunications system .
11 This greatly strengthens the Prime Minister 's ability to argue against proposals put forward by departmental ministers who are forced to rely almost entirely on the briefs prepared for them by their departmental civil servants .
12 The plan therefore built on the proposals put forward in 1937 by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for London 's traffic , and proposed to add to the two already partly-built outer ring roads ( the North and South Orbital and the North and South Circular ) with two corresponding inner rings — ‘ the fast traffic ring-road an
13 Michael Scott describes the practical proposals put forward in a new report on this contentious issue .
14 Clearly , the difference between the original proposals put forward in the White Paper and the final solution in 1977 is enormous .
15 Similar proposals put forward at the end of World War I , to provide financial support via NHI to women after childbirth , were rejected largely because it was felt that they would offer an inducement to married women to work .
16 When the Single European Act first came into force , they took exception to a number of Commission proposals put forward as single market measures under Article 100A of the EEC Treaty , and thus capable of being adopted by qualified majority in the Council .
17 Establishing 34 neighbourhood and town councils in Lothian and restoring local provosts to the region 's towns and burghs were the two key proposals put forward in ‘ Restoring the Balance ’ .
18 Will the Minister join me in welcoming the proposals put forward by the provisional liquidator and the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi as a first step towards a settlement of the problem ?
19 However , he went on to say that the CWS ’ remains wholly opposed to unrestricted Sunday trading and will continue to seek a sensible reform of the law on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special Campaign . ’
20 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
21 The amendment was intended to increase pressure on US allies to pay more of their common defence costs , and to prevent cuts in European armed forces before any formal agreement was reached with the Warsaw Pact at the Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) talks in Vienna ( for proposals put forward in July see p. 36835 ) .
22 At first it seemed that he intended to resist the radical proposals put forward by delegates , when during radio broadcasts of the debates he was heard angrily to interrupt the speakers , declaring on Feb. 27 that the proceedings constituted a " civilian coup d'état " .
23 Conditions of unification included a 1:1 exchange rate for the East and West German Mark for savings , wages and pensions ( rather than the less favourable proposals put forward by the West German Bundesbank — see below ) , and the safeguarding of rights to employment , housing and education .
24 Proposals put forward by Mitterrand on July 14 , 1989 , that the right of referral to the Constitutional Council ( Conseil constitutionel ) should be extended to individual citizens resulted in a draft law which was approved by the Council of Ministers on March 28 , 1990 .
25 Solchaga 's plan , in which Greece , Ireland and Portugal showed particular interest , also echoed the proposals put forward in June by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer , John Major , for a European monetary fund which would oversee the introduction of a parallel currency , the " hard ecu " , during Stage 2 .
26 The idea of a commitment by member states to provide mutual assistance , as well as proposals put forward by some member states on the future of the Western European Union , should also be addressed . "
27 In the course of its provincial party convention on March 9-10 , the ruling Liberal Party in Quebec adopted the Allaire report which called for almost full political autonomy for the province , contrary to the proposals put forward in the Meech Lake Accord [ for collapse of which in June 1990 see p. 37519 ] and despite the opposition of the party leader and Quebec Premier , Robert Bourassa .
28 On the basis of proposals put forward by Kohl the heads of state and government committed themselves in an annexed document to reach unanimous agreement by Dec. 31 , 1993 , on a treaty to establish a Central European Criminal Investigation Office ( " Europol " ) .
29 The political " battle of the economic plans " began in earnest on Aug. 30-31 , 1990 , when economist Stanislav Shatalin 's radical proposals for a 500-day transition to a market economy were rejected by the Presidential and Federation Councils , and a new working group was ordered to reconcile the plan with a more moderate set of proposals put forward by then Soviet Prime Minister Ryzkhov [ see pp. 37537-38 ; 37663 ; 37721-22 ; 37786 ] .
30 The framework for an Asian Free Trade Area ( AFTA ) , and formation of a " non-institutional " discussion forum to be called the East Asian Economic Caucus ( EAEC ) , were widely seen as diluting the proposals put forward by Malaysia at the beginning of the year [ see p. 38101 ] for an East Asian Economic Grouping ( EAEG ) .
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