Example sentences of "exist since [art] " in BNC.

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1 This arrangement has existed since the mid 1970s .
2 Provident societies , often connected with home buying , had existed since the end of the eighteenth century ; in 1872 a Provident Knowledge Society was established ‘ for the promotion of thrift among the lower classes ’ , who were encouraged to contribute to penny banks and post-office savings .
3 The stockpile of raw and processed food , and emergency field cooking equipment has existed since the Second World War .
4 It was decided to build a huge central market , the construction of which was entrusted to Baltard , a man who was as much an engineer as an architect , on a site which had existed since the reign of Napoleon I. Succeeding regimes had neither had the will nor the drive to carry out the project as originally planned , but the Emperor was determined that this new market should be one of the earliest major building projects of his reign .
5 Even while the various rugby groups in South Africa are heading for unification , the New Zealand Rugby Football Union still can not quite make up its mind how quickly it should bridge the gap which has existed since the tumultuous Springbok tour of New Zealand in 1981 .
6 The foundations and frame of this gracious building have existed since the days of the Domesday Book but the interior was redesigned by Sir Christopher Wren 's great grandson in 1812 .
7 None of these large animals could possibly have passed over the arms of the sea which now separates these countries , and their presence plainly indicates that a land communication must have existed since the origin of the species … ’
8 Yet a consciousness of Anglo-French differences was already apparent — it was based upon irrational prejudices and linguistic dissimilarities , and had existed since the mid to late twelfth century .
9 Hermitage has existed since the thirteenth century , standing within older earthworks .
10 These exact boundaries date from local government reorganization in 1974 but something like the present administrative area has existed since the establishment of regional commissioners for the maintenance of supplies in the 1920s .
11 After some detailed negotiation about the composition and scope of such a gathering , the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ( CSCE ) finally opened in 1973 in Helsinki , and in August 1975 the thirty-three participating nations signed a Final Act — an agreement rather than a formal treaty — which recognised existing boundaries in Europe , in effect legitimising the division of the continent into Soviet and Western spheres of influence which had existed since the end of the war .
12 There are no plans to end the maximum part-time option , which has existed since the early days of the NHS .
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