Example sentences of "encourage the use " in BNC.

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1 Some bureaux cooperate with their local libraries , encouraging the use of the information system and the joint collection and dissemination of local information , but others have been known to begrudge its use and to try to prevent sales , for example , to Community Programme advice centres in nearby locations .
2 In encouraging the use of prophecy we need consistent teaching as regards what it is .
3 As well as biblical teaching , the example of leadership is vital in encouraging the use of spiritual gifts .
4 Indeed it is our intention that the necessary repair and improvement work on the halls and associated offices will largely be carried out by our own team with a view to reducing costs and encouraging the use of practical gifts of time and skills .
5 Rather than ‘ domestic feminism ’ being central in encouraging the use of birth control methods , it is much more probable that decisions to limit family size came from changing notions of the family .
6 Propaganda actions , such as Christmas sales of excess butter , failed to stop the complaints about the policy : that it tended to help large farms , which could adopt intensive production methods , rather than the needy ; that it distorted world markets and upset the US , which threatened a trade war with the EC over CAP in 1986 — 7 ; and that it harmed the environment by encouraging the use of chemical fertilisers .
7 It remains true , however , that the overall thrust of deaf education policy is towards making deaf people more invisible by encouraging the use of teaching practices which subtly tip the power balance between deaf and hearing people in favour of the latter .
8 They certainly provide no good evidence for reducing the weight given to standardised mortality ratios in the formula and there is no justification for encouraging the use of the national formula for subregional allocation .
9 The Immigration ( Carriers ' Liability ) Act 1987 was an abominable piece of legislation , privatising immigration and putting it in the hands of aircraft and shipping companies , encouraging the use of bogus identity documents and , in many cases , making it impossible for legitimate asylum seekers to leave their own countries .
10 The main emphasis was on encouraging the use of evidence extracted from former Mafia members , who would now give evidence as far as possible in front of the judge alone [ for other provisions see p. 38979 ] .
11 The FC at present have a very good policy of allowing access and , indeed , encouraging the use of the forests for recreational purposes .
12 The ESRC Data Archive 's raison d'etre is to promote the widest use of the data by providing efficient flexible user service , and by sharing information and encouraging the use of the data by means of workshops , bulletins , usergroups , and networks .
13 The University is committed to encouraging the use of learning technology in all disciplines .
14 The process of database creation can itself be valuable experience for pupils , introducing them to the information retrieval system , while encouraging the use of many information skills .
15 Unfortunately , it also encourages the use of a concept of culture which is highly problematic , particularly when used in policy discussions .
16 Previous chapters have emphasised how the mass media may contribute indirectly to the potential for public disorder , first , by helping to create an ideological climate which justifies and encourages the use of repressive control tactics against dissenting groups ; and second , by ‘ sensitising ’ the police and public to the possibility that disorder might occur .
17 The International Foundation for Computer-based Education in Banking and Finance encourages the use of computers and technology in banking education and training .
18 More competition encourages the use of modern , efficient aircraft .
19 However the tests applied are sufficiently broad to catch material which encourages the use of dangerous drugs or which advocates criminal violence .
20 In each case the teacher tried to encourage the use also of ‘ opposites ’ ; Steven is taller than Linda — Linda is shorter than Steven .
21 1978 ) and this also gives specific recommendations for programmes to encourage the use of vision in a range of tasks which tap different areas of visual activity .
22 The programme 's aim is to encourage the use of the creative arts in the spiritual and physical development of individuals , communities and society .
23 Efforts to encourage the use of condoms as protection against sexually transmitted infections should emphasise their use as well as rather than instead of more effective contraceptive methods , but greater knowledge of postcoital methods and their use is also vital .
24 Currently there are two task groups , one monitoring the Ada 9X process ( the Ansi revision to the Ada standard ) and one holding events to encourage the use of Ada in the commercial application area .
25 This provides for Member States to bring forward programmes to implement measures to encourage the use of agricultural production methods which will help maintain and enhance the countryside and environment .
26 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what steps he proposes to take to encourage the use of low-sulphur diesel fuel .
27 To encourage the use of unleaded petrol in the UK , Tesco has now installed at least one unleaded pump in nearly all of our 80 petrol stations .
28 In my experience , British Rail whilst wishing to encourage the use of of trains as they would , er are resistant to opening stations that just delay journey times .
29 So whilst it 's desirable to encourage the use of rail , I think in in in practice it 's going to be er very difficult to achieve that and in therefore you should look at public transport in the round .
30 However , as the use of computers has spread rapidly to large sectors of work and business , there has been a growing trend to encourage the use of computers in schools across the curriculum .
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