Example sentences of "grow [adv] fast " in BNC.

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1 Bones which grow so fast need lots of calcium .
2 Children grow so fast — we see Ewan about every month or six weeks , and there 's always a big change .
3 The fry of all these species are slightly smaller than newly-released Mbuna fry but grow quite fast , at twelve weeks reaching a saleable size of 1–1/2″ .
4 As a World Bank report noted grimly , ‘ Never in human history has population grown so fast . ’
5 Because home ownership has grown so fast , and old people now live longer , the main impact of inheritance still lies ahead .
6 The mortgage debt had grown so fast , explained Robin Leigh-Pemberton , Governor of the Bank of England in June 1990 , and was both a symptom and a cause of a wider cultural change in Britain 's society .
7 Traditionally , the more active members have tended to belong to local groups , and the numbers of groups and group members have not grown as fast as the national membership .
8 So far we have looked at changing shares within total public spending , but has the absolute level of public spending grown as fast as critics suggest ?
9 It does not grow as fast as N. indicum , but the slender stalks produce more aerial leaves than the larger species .
10 Certainly , state pensions — now over £25 billion a year — will not grow as fast as they might have done , or seem likely to do in many other rich countries .
11 Barlund added that " forests do not grow as fast in the south , so we can not afford to lose massive areas " .
12 One of the accepted reasons why most participants agree to such a major shift is that the population a department services has grown particularly fast .
13 The Party has grown quite fast .
14 Invention , for example , of a completely new recording medium like the compact disc may grow very fast because all of us have become addicted to recorded music .
15 A point deep inside the joint is skilfully selected and the pain grows so fast I have to tear my arm from her hands .
16 And if Oreste was growing so fast it could only mean he was healthy .
17 But at least the hole in its order book is no longer growing so fast .
18 The company is diversifying , growing so fast it 's almost unbelievable .
19 Because the size of potential losses is growing so fast , many insurers now reckon that providing catastrophe cover has simply become too risky and have quit the market .
20 Beth looked forward to the birth of their child ; with Richard growing so fast , she missed that special feeling of holding a small warm being in her arms .
21 We thought that if it was only one tournament out of a Tour that was growing so fast it would not matter .
22 The great magnolia has not yet flowered with me , but grows exceedingly fast .
23 With the top finally off , leaving a sloping cut to make sure that rain and dew does n't lie there , you can expect the bud to grow away fast .
24 We want to grow as fast as we can . ’
25 Fourth , spending on front-office systems , such as those supporting foreign exchange , funds and transfer payments , is not expected to grow as fast as that on back-office systems , covering such applications as transaction processing , clearing and settlement .
26 It is fortunate , however , that total debt has ceased to grow as fast , and since 1986 the total debt relative to country exports has fallen slightly .
27 of a much more basic malaise and structural phenomenon , namely the inability of the marketable output ( largely industrial ) sector to grow as fast as productivity growth without the economy coming up against a balance of payments constraint , due to a high U.K. income elasticity of demand for imports , coupled with a much lower world income elasticity of demand for U.K exports .
28 Despite its impressive growth it represents only 5 per cent of the total population and is not growing as fast as evangelical sects .
29 Thames Water says demand for supplies is n't growing as fast as expected .
30 THE good news yesterday was that the public sector borrowing requirement may not be growing as fast as the pessimists feared , and the need for tax increases in the Budget may not be as insistent as some analysts believe .
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