Example sentences of "pass close to " in BNC.

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1 If the horse is tense ( the first stage is calmness , remember ) then everything is lost — suppleness , free forward movement and so on , until the whole issue is blown out of proportion … just for the sake of the horse not wishing to pass close to something trivial .
2 The marathon passes close to the City bomb zone .
3 A circular walk based on Drewsteignton takes in the dramatic gorge and passes close to one of the most notable curiosities of the area — Castle Drogo .
4 After crossing the stream turn right along the track which passes close to Trepewet Farm .
5 The mass of Mercury was first determined from its influence on the orbit of Eros , an asteroid which was discovered in 1898 and which often passes close to Mercury .
6 The orbit of Mariner 10 around the Sun is such that it passes close to Mercury about every 2 × 88 days .
7 The village took its name from the Roman road or straet known as the Gartree Road which passes close to the little limestone church of St Giles that now stands all alone on the skyline .
8 The night sky was still fairly light as I walked through the village , passing close to No. 6 Commando positions .
9 From Mynydd Ddu the Way pushes northwards through the town of Llandovery and up into the Cambrian Mountains , passing close to the shores of the huge reservoir , Llyn Brianne .
10 Passing close to , and parallel with , Sturgis ' southbound command , the Nez Perce band silently traversed the now unguarded Clark 's Fork Canyon , ‘ where rocks on either side came so near together that two horses abreast could hardly pass ’ .
11 And surely we 'll be passing close to Wiesbaden , the HQ of the Kriminalpolizei ? ’
12 However , Beinn Alligin provides no such logistical problems and it 's a fabulous start to the walk up the Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil through a forest , again passing close to some splendid waterfalls , before you veer off to the left and head towards the dauntingly steep corrie that is the most direct route to the summit .
13 We 're passing close to the battlezone . ’
14 Joseph noticed that she avoided passing close to the iron grilles closing off the between-deck areas of the ship and when she reached the stern she gazed into the jungle for a moment , then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the gentle warmth of the morning sun .
15 He believed in that case the main danger would come from Wollo soldiery pursuing the Shoans into the town , and passing close to the Legation .
16 The dinghy followed the left bank , passing close to the entrance to Chelsea creek .
17 The third , the Orange route , runs to the south , passing close to a primary school and houses .
18 They passed close to Dunster , which lay beneath a wooded hill looking ‘ as clear , as pure , as embrowned ’ as a Poussin landscape .
19 As they passed close to the couple at table both the women recoiled as if the Devil himself had suddenly sprung up between them .
20 The jury returned , and passed close to Fagin .
21 When the light went out , Rain had the suspicion they were not alone on the stairs , that someone was watching them , perhaps they actually passed close to a figure pressed into the shadows .
22 She was already within arm 's length , only the door standing between them to prevent him from reaching her , and she clearly suspected nothing because she was moving in and as her hand passed close to the glass , he could see it in vivid pastel detail .
23 I knew the master would not let her leave the safety of the Grange to go so far , especially as the road to the hills passed close to Wuthering Heights .
24 On our way to the fishing grounds off Iceland we passed close to the Faroes .
25 The misty peaks of Rhum were draped in heavy cloud and shot with rainbows as we passed close to the curious Sgurr of Eigg .
26 She passed close to him as she crossed the room , averting her eyes .
27 He came quickly along the path , passed close to where we were hidden , and began to walk up the hill behind us .
28 They passed close to Midge and Chris .
29 They passed close to her , where she crouched still in the bushes .
30 Local storms at sea and strong equinoctial tides may affect whale migration routes that pass close to the coast .
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