Example sentences of "thus tend [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As one of the few major acoustic companies who are n't trying to emulate anyone else , Lowden 's guitars have great strength of character and thus tend to polarise guitarists into two camps : those who utterly adore them , and those who are left dry-eyed and unmoved .
2 The former makes the point that genetically engineered bacteria tend to be much less viable than their naturally occurring counterparts and thus tend to die off rapidly .
3 The electrons and ions thus tend to co-rotate , that is , to have sidereal orbital periods equal to the planet 's sidereal axial period .
4 Formal studies of code switching thus tend to deal with idealised or edited data , to which syntactic theories are applied : e.g. Phrase Structure Grammar ( Joshi 1985 ) ; Government and Binding ( Di Sciullo et al.
5 Males thus tend to maximize their reproductive success by attracting and mating with several females and establishing them in nests in their territories .
6 Naturally those anthropologists who grant culture such imperative force tend to see social relations as the product of cultural patterning and conditioning , and thus tend to concentrate on child-rearing practices , enculturation , and socialization .
7 We thus tend to think of ourselves as machines , and when things go wrong treatment is organized along similar lines as it is for our machines — servicing , repairing and patching as dictated by the appearance of aches , pains and loss of function .
8 Unsupported ideas thus tend to lend themselves to easy dismissal , or to non-citation ( which is a form of editorial comment ) .
9 Females thus tend to groom those nearest to them and immediately above them in rank .
10 If we may further generalize on these projects , we may describe them as setting up models of teaching methods and materials , thus tending to extend and develop user education methods , rather than analysing and criticizing existing methodologies and materials .
11 Such support operations would involve the Bank of England buying gilt-edged and thus tending to expand the liquidity and lending potential of the banking system .
12 The problem with price discrimination in goods is that a secondary market is likely to be established in which low-price customers resell to higher-price customers , thus tending to equalize the prices customers actually pay .
13 The shift times are designed to place policemen on the streets at times when they will encounter the maximum number of members of the public , even though this public thus tends to comprise shoppers and tradespeople .
14 The historian compiling a critical edition of Burnett , for example , requires text critical apparatus and thus tends to rely on software tools and computational methods which are on the whole developed by and for literary scholars .
15 Such a particle is heavier than its new surroundings and thus tends to fall back to its original level and then overshoot .
16 Firstly , it is an order matching system and thus tends to have a slower response rate than , say , LIFFE 's APT system .
17 At Folkestone Chalk lies above Gault Clay in the cliffs , and the clay thus tends to become saturated and to have its shear strength greatly reduced .
18 The modernist novel thus tends to endorse the philosophical argument known as solipsism — that the only thing I can be sure exists is myself as a thinking subject .
19 Instead , individualism is motivated by a desire to defend the idea that individuals are autonomous agents , and thus tends to focus on a particular set of individual properties , including desires , choices , decisions and intentions .
20 Release of these peptides by bile salts would thus tend to slow transit and increase absorptive mucosal surface area and would therefore lead to increased bile salt absorption in the terminal ileum .
21 Unconjugated bile acids have high pKs , and will thus tend to combine with H + in the bile canaliculus , thereby generating a HCO 3 - ion .
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