Example sentences of "evidence [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 Surely , as prime evidence of date and function the artefacts must be integrated into the excavation report itself and the artificial division into materials replaced by objects grouped according to function and deposit .
2 63a ) provides convincing evidence of date , or of details of decoration which are comparable with other mosaics in the region .
3 ( i ) Without external evidence of date , the period of a mosaic is always arrived at by an extrapolation from the style of other pavements .
4 It also provided some of the strongest evidence to date that Sellafield did directly and routinely harm people 's health .
5 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
6 The evidence to date is that DHAs and independent sector employers are taking Derek Dean 's predictions seriously , and are preparing to defuse the demographic time bomb by revamping their image to attract the attention of potential returners , and by setting up re-entry schemes which will help to instil confidence in staff who feel nervous about coping with new and demanding roles .
7 The evidence to date on the relative success of this organisational change in many schools in England and Wales is ambiguous .
8 On the evidence to date , however , there are grounds for judging unions in relation to management as slightly the lesser sinners .
9 The only evidence to date regarding respiratory illness is that of Pinnock et al ( see table I ) , which was equivocal .
10 The evidence to date does not suggest that there is a substantial benefit but further studies are awaited .
11 Certainly , on the evidence to date , the savings achieved by efficiency scrutinies , the enhanced departmental knowledge available to ministers through information systems , and the increased resource consciousness among civil servants brought about by the FMI , would suggest that the public sector has much to gain by the introduction of managerial techniques originated in the private sector .
12 Despite the relatively large amount of specific and varied information given In the article on Ali Tusi , however , it is impossible on present evidence to date precisely his departure for Persia .
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