Example sentences of "sit at table " in BNC.

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1 BELVILLE : I had thought you should have sat at table with me , but when I find you can not forget your original but must prefer my menials to me , you shall wait on me while I sup .
2 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
3 The old man was sitting at table , the food lying before him untasted , when Rodrigo returned , and pointing to the head which hung from the horse 's collar , dropping blood , he bade him look up , for there was the herb which should restore to him his appetite .
4 ‘ The sign is not in the bread and wine which , of themselves , have no privileged signification ; it is not in the fact of eating bread and drinking it ; it is not to be found in sitting at table together ; it is in the gesture of sharing bread and wine .
5 Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I had n't robbed my sister .
6 Things were cheaper there than outside — butter , sugar , candles , tea , fruit — and he felt grown-up , puffed with self-importance , at being allowed with all those policemen , seeing them taking their ease , sitting at table , drinking , smoking , laughing , playing cards , some with their coats off and braces showing .
7 Above them in the loft the musicians played , though their music had to compete with the noise of the revellers sitting at table .
8 He had never been asked to sit at table with a guest before .
9 When not so transfixed , they often sit at tables , strewn with computer outputs over which they pore like possessed students of a cabbalistic text .
10 The Stage was published on that day and they would sit at tables in threes and fours sharing a single cup of coffee Everyone was generous about sharing job information and they had the bonus of the Tiller name behind them .
11 On Tuesday Jessie went to a restaurant , cats do n't sit at tables said Jessie and .
12 As for the Gascons , they are gossipy , licentious , and poorly dressed ; although they eat and drink far too much they do n't sit at table but squat around a fire ; they all share the same cup and when they go to sleep they all share the same rotting straw , master and mistress , servants and all .
13 It was past their supper time already , and the first question that arose was whether Jennifer should sit at table with them .
14 Three groups of 10-to-11 year olds sat at tables round the room , heads bent over balsawood boats , a paper merry-go-round , and magnetised bits of metal .
15 He walked through the white corridors , past the notice boards with their offers of small rooms and old cars , past the coffee bar where people sat at tables , past a hole in the white floor where an old chair stood sentry over an opened conduit in which a torch shone and a man crawled , and as he left he looked at his watch :
16 He remembered little things — childhood images trapped in memory : his father 's hand laid momentarily on his mother 's as they sat at table ; laughter from their bedroom at night ; his mother straightening his father 's tie and drawing her finger in a delicate gesture along his cheek .
17 After this grand display , we all drifted towards the breakfast ‘ table ’ , and as at any good party , the guests sat at table for a considerable time .
18 The living-room was at the back of the house , overlooking the harbour , and from where he sat at table he could see right across Carrick Roads to St Just-in-Roseland .
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