Example sentences of "able to take [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , by itself it is entirely stupid , able to take no decisions other than those included in its programme and entirely dependent on the skill and foresight of programmers and questioners .
2 Nor will he be able to take a sabbatical to formulate the complex structures of meaning lodged deep in the empirical material , which Lévi-Strauss ( 1976 : 80 ) has argued are capable of linking together symbolic and metaphoric programmes to ‘ reveal properties not immediately accessible to the ( empirical ) observation ’ .
3 That 's where Dogs Today was able to take a hand .
4 Though in the event of war the Royal Air Force would unquestionably be able to take a heavy toll of enemy bombers , a proportion would inevitably get through .
5 That high gearing lowers their cost of capital ( Modigliani and Miller again , because of tax deductions ) , the friendly bank lowers the risk of bankruptcy and the firm is left able to take a jolly long-term approach to research and investment .
6 They were able to take a high line , look impressive , cut a dash — on the cheap .
7 Employees have been able to take a direct stake in the newly privatised companies .
8 17.14 During the early years of the secondary school , and as they grow into adolescence , pupils will increasingly be able to take a more objective view and develop greater understanding of the writing process .
9 I had got over my nerves by then ( was even thinking Travels With My Angst might not be the most suitable title for my book ) and was able to take a more even view of the handsome tour guide who had confessed to me , ‘ This has been a good trip for me .
10 In a less dramatic and analogous fashion , soil conservationists of all kinds should be able to take a social view of conservation techniques .
11 And , if you find yourself short of capital at any time , you may be able to take a loan which you can repay using the tax-free cash sum available at retirement .
12 Teachers will wonder how they got on without detailed ‘ programmes of study ’ , ‘ Standard Assessment Tasks ’ , etc , and ‘ curriculum managers ’ , like Danish heads , will perhaps be able to take a more relaxed line on managing the curriculum : ‘ Some see themselves as curriculum leaders , others do not ’ .
13 To state the dilemma baldly : if you trust teachers as professionals , you will be able to take a correspondingly relaxed view of testing and thus mitigate some of the more interventionist or authoritarian aspects of a defined central curriculum .
14 In view of the government 's ‘ presumption in favour of development ’ , which is enshrined in its latest planning policy guidance , it is not difficult to foresee a chaotic future in which intense development pressure is countered by equally intense environmental opposition with the county council less and less able to take a strategic view .
15 Imagine a Trade Secretary who promises a degree of interventionism , with even a dash of implicit ‘ corporatism ’ , stresses the importance of industry being able to take a longerterm view , with a programme of investment in skills and training , and warns of the dangers of takeover mania .
16 If you are busy or infirm , the advantage of being able to take a ready-made meal out of the freezer and put it in the microwave where it is cooked in under ten minutes , far outweighs any aesthetic pleasure that purists might derive from lengthy cooking processes .
17 I wished I 'd been able to take a photograph of gaunt-face , but I 'd been more keen to listen .
18 A full inquiry has been launched to find out how Newall , 27 , was able to take a drugs overdose .
19 In March two colleagues were able to take a mobile bookstall to an outreach in Leipzig and to street stands in other places in the former East Germany .
20 Up he went to the ledge overlooking the Dress Circle , on which he was able to take a stance — although today it is usually ignored in the thrust of a runout towards the top .
21 Viewers tended to be either for or against the main thrust of its argument ; few were able to take a neutral stance and discussions were often quite heated between students and their teachers , academics and party members .
22 A graduate in psychology , archaeology or Oriental studies is not able to take a PGCE Primary course on the grounds ( I assume ) that such specialisms are inappropriate to the primary school setting .
23 I can offer an account of what the minimum level to be attained at 16 by 80%-90% of pupils would entail in a few areas of the curriculum … ; in English , pupils would need to demonstrate that they are attentive listeners and confident speakers when dealing with everyday matters of which they have experience , that they can read straightforward written information and pass it on — orally and in written form — without loss of meaning and that they can say clearly what their own views are ; in Mathematics , that they can apply the topics and skills in the foundation list proposed in the Cockcroft Report ; in Science , that they are willing and able to take a practical approach to problems , involving sensible observations and appropriate measurements and can communicate their findings effectively … ; in History , that they possess some historical knowledge and perspective , understand the concepts of cause and consequence , and can compare and extract information from historical evidence and be aware of its limitations ; and in CDT [ craft , design and technology ] , that they can design and make something , using a limited range of materials and calling on a restricted range of concepts and give an account of what they have done and the problems they encountered .
24 But by good fortune I was able to take a series of coloured photographs from which David Neal was able to make one of his skilful drawings many years later .
25 Now Mr Laurentius travels about with an antiquated set of hospital X-ray equipment with which he is able to take a detailed picture within seconds .
26 At the beginning of March his wife drove him to Regents Park , and he was able to take a few steps in the spring sunshine .
27 Thus Lizzie F. was able to take a few years out of work to nurse her mother , an auctioneer 's widow , before returning to work after her mother 's death .
28 able to take a weekend away more or less on impulse ;
29 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
30 It was not quite the world of the children 's chemistry set ; but Davy was indeed able to take a portable chemical laboratory with him , even on his honeymoon , in the form of a box of apparatus .
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