Example sentences of "could rely on " in BNC.

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1 By putting up a clergyman as a candidate , he could rely on the vote of hundreds of MAs who , sitting in their country rectories , could easily be persuaded by a judiciously worded letter that their old University was falling into the hands of infidels .
2 Lindsay said that Reilly could rely on his ‘ unswerving support as he is a man I have the highest respect for ’ .
3 Lindsay said that Reilly could rely on his ‘ unswerving support as he is a man I have the highest respect for ’ .
4 Once upon a time book-buying parents could rely on the classics to keep the kids quiet .
5 Until the cold war ended , Israel could rely on America objecting to ( a ) because an international conference required the participation of the Soviet Union .
6 ‘ I knew we could rely on you . ’
7 The CEGB could rely on the Treasury to oppose the expenditure to reduce pollution which did most damage in remote Welsh hills , Scottish lochs and other countries .
8 Until 1970 the foresters here say they could rely on a good sale of fir trimmings — used in Christmas decorations — to pay for the routine management of the rest of the forest .
9 In talking to Dr Goode , I pressed him particularly o how far he felt he could rely on Dr Carrington 's ability to assess his prospects .
10 M.B. You could rely on your colleagues if they were there .
11 What prompted her to invite him she could not have explained , but there was something about him — an air of loneliness , perhaps , though it was more than that — which made her suddenly want to tell him that he could rely on her friendship .
12 She knew she could rely on his discretion for , although she was not ashamed of her background , she considered that the fewer people who knew of it , the better .
13 With 12 players on call from the World Cup compared to the USA 's six , Canada could rely on experience and it made all the difference , especially among the backs where the Eagles paid a heavy price for dropped passes , missed tackles and errant kicks .
14 Only people who could rely on an extended family network could hope to have the friends and connections necessary to protect themselves from the avarice of the sultan 's lesser officials .
15 As in the rest of Romanian society , even in the Party leadership , no one could rely on anyone else with confidence .
16 Several of those hawks could have taken off and never returned , but they did not ; the falconer could rely on the training and the care she had given them .
17 The proctologist handed me three envelopes , one addressed to each of us , then told me that if I ever had piles I could rely on him to cut them out for cost .
18 Whereas the Government press could rely on a government subvention to support it for political or educational ends , private newspapers had to find private capital .
19 Though crippled , he managed to give any woman in his presence the conviction that she was delicate , helpless , and ultra-decorative , and could rely on him to shelter her from life 's cruel blows .
20 It might be thought that so long as one asserted the local sign theory only in principle ( that is , did not specify the precise nature of the ‘ feeling ’ or ‘ colouring ’ which is supposed to subserve localisation ) , one could rely on the testimony of introspection for one 's theory to be confirmed .
21 Early down-town theatres could rely on the casual trade , the ‘ droppers-in ’ , but small-town and suburban halls had to go after their trade and it was essential that managers acquaint the whole community with what was on offer .
22 Starting out to research the topic of women , power and politics , Margaret Stacey and I soon realised that we could rely on little in the way of help from traditional approaches to the study of politics .
23 At the past two Congresses , the democrats could rely on fewer than 200 votes ( see chart ) .
24 And an expedition which combined the prospect of gain with that of notable adventure , such as the forays into Spain or the Norman conquest of England , could rely on widespread support .
25 Rhee issued a press statement raising publicly whether South Korea could rely on American assistance in the event of North Korean aggression .
26 Many garrisons had surrendered quickly because they knew they could rely on Saladin to keep his word to spare their lives .
27 The archbishop could delay and immensely complicate matters , but his appeal to Rome in August 1297 had been barred , his excommunication of violators was countered by a writ of prohibition , his resolution was isolated by the alarmist fears of some clergy and the divided loyalties of others , especially those who were the king 's servants ; above all , Boniface VIII 's temporizing in France suggested that no archbishop henceforth could rely on papal support .
28 The USSR 's economy still needed to recover from the war and Stalin could rely on local Communist parties to try to subvert French and Italian democracy from within .
29 But the Assembly had purely consultative powers and real authority rested in a Council of Ministers , created at the same time , in which Britain could rely on support , from the Scandinavians and others , for strictly inter-governmental co-operation .
30 Thereafter , the Viet Minh could rely on a supply of weapons ( mainly American , taken from the defeated KMT ) .
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