Example sentences of "from [art] depths " in BNC.

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1 Craftsman Dale appears , streaked in oil , from the depths of the engine compartment Where he has been tightening up a mounting bolt .
2 She proceeded to do this earnestly , seriously , and she sounded like an old steam-engine wheezing from the depths of the water ( that idyllic sound , now long forgotten , which to those who never knew it can be described in no better way than the wheezing of an old woman breathing in and out by the edge of a pool ) .
3 At long last she looked up imploringly from the depths of her tiny handbag , which prompted Mark to produce his lighter .
4 In the hush , a muffled order could be heard issuing from the depths of the leading gasmask .
5 Heat rose from the depths , and every smooth cold surface was damp with condensation .
6 Suddenly the sound of running feet could be heard approaching from the depths .
7 Of course it can never be known whether the right answer has been reached ( unless somebody dredges up a ‘ living fossil ’ from the depths of the ocean ) — there are only varying degrees of probability .
8 Deep rooted trees , notably the eucalyptus and acacias ( known in Australia as ‘ wattles ’ ) draw water up from the depths of the soil .
9 Minerals well up from the depths as the ocean strikes the land , which phytoplankton use as nutrients , and vast shoals of anchovies ( anchoveta ) live on the plankton , to provide one of the richest fisheries in the world .
10 People who had lived in that great rambling fortress of a house for generations , treating him as one of them — and he a carter 's son from the depths of the country !
11 From the depths , the scene is very impressive .
12 Two quiet roads lead up to the head of the village ; between them , still bubbling with excitement after a remarkable journey from the depths of Gaping Gill , is Clapham Beck , fringed by trees and crossed by five bridges , on its way to join the River Wenning .
13 Even so she managed to escape from the depths and walked the world , enchanted by what she saw .
14 and burst from the depths
15 An owl crossed the clearing on soundless wings and a little later its hooting , haunting , call came from the depths of the wood .
16 Haketa said that the Slavs had German missionary priests to thank for their liberation from the depths of ignorance .
17 Our attention had been drawn initially by a hose snaking into the water and some bubbles rising from the depths .
18 There was no tension in him : when he was tense there was a rigidity in his neck muscles , a rigidity I 'd watched from the depths of the crowd during the brief day of his trial and seen a few times since , as at Nottingham .
19 He caught a glimpse of two red faces staring at him from the depths of the kitchen behind the head of this strange boy turned girl who was forever crossing his path .
20 She sets out before the sun , driving a team of horses which pull her soft blue chariot up from the depths of the ocean , and shows her brother the way to rise .
21 A collaboration from the depths of hell looks on the cards , we can report with our fingers stuffed prematurely in our ears , as VIC REEVES and BOB MORTIMER have been spotted in cahoots with THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH all over London recently .
22 We need not wait for evil to swoop out of the cosmos or ascend from the depths of hell : it is here now , not incarnate in human form but embodied in the structures and philosophies of our modern culture.l It is this contemporary culture with which we must grapple and fight .
23 Then we heard him shouting from the depths : Is anybody there ? he was telling us he had broken both legs , and there was a lot of blood .
24 And occasionally , from the depths of the wood , came less agreeable sounds .
25 ‘ Hello , Hank , ’ they said in chorus from the depths of the fur collars of their coats .
26 Later , I asked myself whether in my extremity I , the helpless , had been seeking , as the hymn said , the help of God , and that in the act of seeking it , I had been granted it ( he who seeks God , said Pascal , has already found him ) ; or whether this spontaneous welling-up of emotion from the depths of my being was no more than the expression of a statement to myself .
27 It is the vision of people looking up from the depths , de profundis , from the ‘ dark shadow of death ’ and of despair , and seeing a new light : ‘ unlooked for , glittering and bright ; and the people of Middle-earth beheld it from afar and wondered , and they took it for a sign , and called it Gil-Estel , the Star of High Hope ’ .
28 Figure 8.4 indicates that , although private sector construction increased steadily from the depths of the recession in 1981 , the number of dwellings completed in 1988 was still below completions achieved during the 1960s .
29 The whole area had a horribly uneasy and melancholy atmosphere and he noticed that from time to time on that bright summer 's day occasional metallic rattlings came from the depths of the quarry .
30 Lucinda took cigarettes and a lighter from the depths of her khaki drill respirator bag , and flicking open the expensive-looking case , handed them round .
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