Example sentences of "[being] able [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rita 's sorrow today at having to leave her children thousands of miles away is well concealed by her satisfaction at being able to support them from afar .
2 And as for being able to do anything about it , well …
3 That was the frightening part , losing control , just as he had with Mary , not being able to do anything about it — not knowing when it would happen again .
4 The Chancellor yesterday very kindly did not put V A T on books and periodicals but had he done so that would have the effect of taking more than one hundred thousand pounds out of our accounts in the current year without us being able to do anything about it and it does seem to me that we should be considering asking the members in general meeting to pass to the Council of the Association the right to set and increase subscriptions and having properly advised the members thereof to fix the effective date of such increases , otherwise we are very badly placed to respond to short-term problems .
5 I mean suddenly we had the example of a women 's support group from the miner 's strike th that we had the idea you know fr from that erm and Yona really put it in a nutshell when she said I think er er you know behind closed doors the women worrying about what was gon na happen next you know they felt very frustrated and in a way it was a way to channel o our energies away i i i it was seen as that really in the beginning you know as a a sort of a more as a way of getting rid of the well y you know the sort of desperation er the impotence one felt of not being able to do anything in this situation and it 's er and by now of course we 've all become as a group very close er you know we 're we 're more like a big family now really an sort of er a lot of the women have never really sort of regularly been to meetings an th the commitment there is very strong really that we all turn up to our Tuesday meetings sort of .
6 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
7 But , far from being able to greet him like a young girl when he came , she 'd have a job to hide how decrepit she was .
8 Nevertheless , the condition of a house can prevent the occupants from being able to turn it into a home , and can affect their health and the stability of their relationships .
9 When it was shown , I booked into an hotel in Shrewsbury , not being able to receive it in my area , and watched it in the seclusion of a pleasant bedroom .
10 My apologies for not being able to include you in our pilot .
11 In other words , he knows the language , in the sense of being able to use it as the rest of us do .
12 But what it had meant was being able to see something of Harry again …
13 It is more difficult to know whether an animal goes through the experience of at one moment not being able to see a food item , but then being able to see it at the next .
14 For , through that form of criticism , students can be freed from dependence on their own discipline , being able to see it for what it is , warts and all .
15 It gets very tiring jutting your chin out , standing tall and being able to lick anyone in the house if you have nobody to do it to .
16 there is an opportunity of being able to screen it from the Farnsfield direction .
17 It is also the tip of the iceberg in another sense , for this complex of wage levels and tax rates that we have been examining also leads to another obstacle for those on welfare being able to improve themselves by taking a job , even if one is available .
18 Clive had got so used to being able to fool everyone in this circle that he was unnerved by her obvious clear-sightedness .
19 The medium trance is the best one for any treatment requiring regression , as it will be possible for the patient to relive past experiences on a more realistic level , whether seeing and hearing what takes place or being able to describe it as a spectator .
20 If we can recognize it for what it is , then we are well on the road to dealing with it , and being able to put it behind us .
21 Apart from the outstanding quality and rarity of many of the items , much of their fascination for scholars has lain in being able to document them in the family 's ancient inventories .
22 And you can then also couple between keyboards so that if you want to you can play the sounds from this keyboard on the lower one by coupling the two together and making them work as a pair , but that removes the inde independency of being able to set one against the other .
23 This condition is met wherever there is value in people being able to express themselves in the way they choose , at least where acceptable alternatives present themselves .
24 he was surprised at himself , at first , for feeling grateful , for being able to feel anything at all .
25 In any event , in due course a suitable solatium in the form of an apology was offered to Harold Wilson — or at lest a solatium which he regarded as suitable since he possesses the invaluable quality of being able to convince himself of the correctness of whatever he does — and the matter ended .
26 But being able to make nothing of them he finally drifted off to sleep .
27 Oh , crumbs , she thought , any faint hope she might have nursed of still being able to make it to Prague and Karlovy Vary just gone up in smoke .
28 Sometimes , when he thought about that day , as he did occasionally , it occurred to him that this was the first instance of railways being able to distract him from the pains of life .
29 Traditionally the merchant banks have been the main financial advisers in a merger or acquisition deal — they traded very much on their reputation for knowing all the right people and being able to approach them at any time .
30 For the modern-day tour player , who relies on certain clubs being able to get him over certain yards , the yardage chart is indispensable .
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