Example sentences of "at the outset " in BNC.

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1 But a subtle critic may well save us a great deal of time , pain and trouble in the learning , for he can set us aright at the outset , and by his example rather than by his assertions show us how to avoid admiring that which is unworthy .
2 At the outset , Jaromil 's lyricism is a Modern affair in which biological compulsion and biographical reference — peeps at the maid Magda in her bath , for instance — are enveloped and disguised in a poetry which his doting and self-pitying mother finds inscrutable .
3 How successful a computer installation is will depend largely on how clearly the customer and the supplier have defined , at the outset , what the system is supposed to achieve .
4 I promised at the outset , however , to show that reductive treatment of these features of the mind leads to an incoherent conception of the world , quite independently of the inadequacies of the reductions themselves : that is , even if the reduction of consciousness and thought were not independently flawed , the picture of the world that emerges is incoherent .
5 At the outset we are aware that the chapter ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ is going wrong .
6 Given that this was all well-known at the outset what utter fool would believe there could be any money to be made out of such a system .
7 In the first place , unlike normal litigation between private parties , the applicant has to obtain the court 's leave at the outset .
8 The implications of these terms are considered later but the use of terminology in this study text needs to be made clear at the outset .
9 At the outset it may prove useful , if only to discover differences rather than similarities , to contrast Great-Russian nationalism with French .
10 This returns us to the association of homosexuality with sameness remarked at the outset .
11 So it is worth recalling at the outset of this discussion that it is in these senses that the female cross-dresser of the early seventeenth century could be described as an ‘ invert ’ or ‘ pervert ’ , and hardly at all in the sense of those words as coined and popularized by the nineteenth-century sexologists and , later , psychoanalysis .
12 Right at the outset we are alerted to the tact that Mary Frith , the real-life cross-dresser on whom the play is based , is being given a more virtuous image than she in fact possessed ( dedication , ll. 19 ff. ; prologue , ll. 26 — 7 ) .
13 In the article referred to at the outset , Susan Sontag remarks that camp ‘ is a solvent of morality .
14 She has strong views on most issues and her propensity to express her views boldly at the outset of a Cabinet discussion , combined with a sometimes dismissive attitude towards opposing colleagues , tended to change the atmosphere and polarize Cabinet discussions .
15 The problem of fascist sympathies among the ranks of MI5 at the outset of the war is entirely ignored , as is the removal in 1940 of its founder and director , Sir Vernon Kell , which may or may not have been connected with that issue .
16 He restricts himself to an account of the ground forces , so there is no coverage of the role played by the South African air force , for instance , and perhaps the distinction drawn by Britain at the outset of the war between the old Dominions and the members of the new Commonwealth which it regarded as a security risk could have been more strongly emphasized .
17 One began recognising at the outset , of course , that there was an important relationship to government in that government was the main customer , the main purchaser of the product .
18 At the outset we must state that the picture is still very unclear and that those forms of depressions which can be linked to an abnormal body clock are likely to form only a small proportion of all cases .
19 If you 're able to lend us the entire amount of your covenanted donation at the outset ( e.g. £100 if you decide to covenant £25 a year ) we can invest your contribution as a lump sum and earn extra interest over the years and still reclaim the tax .
20 It is worth your while to obtain detailed quotations at the outset and to insist upon a further quotation for any work which may be added to the schedule as you go along .
21 If it is a very large contract then it may be reasonable for the builder to ask for interim payments as the work progresses , and you can discuss this with him at the outset .
22 At the outset , my criterion was that each house should be unadulterated and purely of its time .
23 The allies ' biggest visible flop at the outset of this war has been the failure to knock out the launchers of Iraq 's Scud missiles .
24 So far , this war is more popular than were those in Korea , Suez or the Falklands at the outset — though that may simply reflect the fact that casualties have so far been so light .
25 At the outset of the campaign , allied spokesmen suggested the air-only phase was expected to last about ten days .
26 This answer is worked out in detail as the Essay proceeds , but it is important at the outset to see what it amounts to .
27 At the outset of my investigation one of my civil servants said to me : ‘ My test of the review is whether you do anything about the Death Grant . ’
28 ‘ To be honest , Clem , it started to go out twenty years ago when we failed to join the Common Market at the outset .
29 And yet there remains the fact , noted at the outset , that the Act applies to violence and violent threats in private .
30 As has been shown above , blood was perceived to be the life-giving force of the universe — an obvious conclusion on empirical grounds , but one which was elevated from the pragmatic to the sacred in Hebrew thought by the belief that in humans it was also the seat of the soul , hence the choice of terminology noted at the outset of this essay for murder and death in the Old Testament .
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