Example sentences of "do i detect " in BNC.

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1 Do I detect a wick-dipping situation ? ’
2 Do I detect that narrowing of the eyes , a dark glimmer , a deep throated chuckle at the thought of this beast ?
3 Do I detect a wistful note when you mention the ‘ respectable ’ aspect of this relationship ?
4 Do I detect a little anxiety ? ’ he said .
5 Do I detect then that the general feeling is that we should n't even tamper with this .
6 Do I detect a note of compassion in your attitude , Mr Nicholson ? ’ said Fairham , contemptuously .
7 Do I detect a note of enthusiasm , Jacko ? ’
8 Do I detect a note of irony ? ’ asked Antony cheerfully .
9 Do I detect a note of serious intent creeping in ? ’
10 Do I detect the voice of the demon Doubt ? ’
11 Do I detect a desire for retribution against me , sweet Gina ? ’
12 Do I detect a note of reluctance ? ’ he said wryly .
13 ‘ Tut-tut , do I detect someone fishing for compliments ? ’ he asked .
14 Do I detect a wistful note in your voice ?
15 Do I detect a faint reservation in your attitude towards Doreen ? ’ she asked , watching him closely and wondering if he would confide in her .
16 Do I detect from your tone , Chief Superintendent , that you think us a couple of queers ?
17 Sniff , sniff , and then I said , ‘ Do I detect the twang of the brewer 's craft about your laughing gear ? ’
18 Do I detect a hint of criticism ?
19 Do I detect a challenge , Virginia ? ’
20 Do I detect a tiny note of jealousy ?
21 As well as heroic pieces for full orchestra , oboe , flutes , bassoon , euphonium and piano all had their moments , though only in one section , ‘ Distant Hills ’ , did I detect any specific Chinese influence .
22 I mean , did I detect some satirical intent here ?
23 I have seen my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford being poisonous or venomous , but neither poison nor venom did I detect when he raised a fair , sensible and extremely important matter that needs to be debated frankly and fully on the Floor of the House without the sort of ignorant , absurd and childish platitudes that we have so recently heard .
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