Example sentences of "[Wh pn] carry [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sense of adventure felt by the pioneers of flight still remains with those who carry on the tradition of ballooning today .
2 Many young people who carry on the habit on their own , after first experimenting with friends , are trying to escape from unhappiness at home , perhaps because their parents are quarrelling .
3 Hot air , or ‘ heat ’ guns are almost a disposable tool amongst tradesmen who carry out a lot of paint stripping and decoration .
4 The medical staff , who carry out the surgery and monitor the patient 's medical progress before and after the operation , are headed by the consultant surgeon .
5 So in this case the people who carry out the will of the people make the laws on behalf of the people .
6 ’ The people who do it even though they can afford it are the worst , but I am far more concerned about the victims — the shops than I am about the people who carry out the crime .
7 The architect was Andrea Spezza ; the two men who carried on the work after his death , Vicenzo Boccaccio and Nicolo Sebregondi , followed his designs .
8 When convocation met in December 1373 even the prelates were alienated from the crown , or at least from Gaunt and those who carried on the government in the king 's name : the attempt to levy an unprecedented tax of £50,000 in 1371 had aroused great resentment , aggravated in the next year when , in an effort to speed its collection , all the bishops of the southern province had their temporalities seized .
9 In 1814 , Samuel Webb leased the mill to Stephen and Edward Blackwell , who carried on the tradition of cloth making .
10 Among the groups in Essex who carried on the tradition yesterday were members of the Great Tey Footpath Preservation Society and villagers from neighbouring Chappel , who teamed up for a 14-mile walk around the boundaries of the two parishes .
11 Iris , who carried on the campaign started by her parents to clear Derek 's name , added : ‘ I wo n't give up now — no way . ’
12 They had two sons , Thomas , who died at Leghorn , and Edward ( c .1681–1734 ) , who carried on the family business , becoming free of the Masons ' Company in 1702 and master in 1719 .
13 NORTHOP Village , who carried off a league and cup double last season , are in danger of folding after losing their pitch .
14 Pathologists who carried out a post-mortem examination on Mrs Henderson said she had developed a chest infection and died from complications due to her head injury .
15 Dr Iain West , a Home Office pathologist who carried out a post-mortem on the discredited media tycoon , was yesterday quoted in The Daily Mirror , which Maxwell owned , as saying that Maxwell had almost certainly committed suicide .
16 The van 's registration number , NIB 2228 , was radioed to police control who carried out a check .
17 The one who carried out a hold-up in Philadelphia — and , while waiting , sang ‘ We wish you a merry Christmas …
18 Detectives who carried out a raid at an exclusive house at Coatham Mundeville , near Darlington , have held talks with the Crown Prosecution Service which is now considering the content of a number of articles seized .
19 Consultant paediatrician Dr Mark Reid , who carried out a report on the baby 's death , said he felt all the doctors involved had given consistent and correct advice .
20 Following the Antiques Road Show appearance , Mrs Cooper 's art work was studied by a WEA antiques class who carried out a research project on marquetery .
21 AN animal rights fanatic who carried out a bomb attack on a crowded McDonald 's was jailed for 15 months yesterday .
22 So if the Princess of Wales ' telephone was deliberately bugged at or near Sandringham , who carried out the phone-tapping and why ?
23 So if the Princess of Wales ' telephone was deliberately bugged at or near Sandringham , who carried out the phone-tapping and why ?
24 Dr Steven Clarke , a GP in Camberley , Surrey , who carried out the survey , says the results highlight wide disparity in the use of thermometers .
25 High street sales last month showed their strongest year-on-year growth since May , but Nigel Whittaker , chairman of the the Confederation of British Industry 's distributive trades panel , who carried out the survey , said : ‘ Given the levels of consumer debt and the continuing rise in unemployment , it is too early to be sure we are seeing a sustainable recovery in consumer spending . ’
26 Eighteen year old Jason Raby who carried out the attack … and Anthony Langton who 's twenty-three and told him what to do … both admitted causing Mrs Cooper grevous bodily harm .
27 The men who carried out the attack have both been described as white and 25 to 32 years old .
28 Perhaps the constable who carried out the test was merely having a run of bad luck .
29 Charles-Henri ( 1740–93 ) , chief public executioner under the ancien régime , who continued in office during the Revolution , and who carried out the guillotining of Louis XVI .
30 But nurses of both sexes believe that male nurses receive more respect from doctors , according to James Hovey , a graduate nurse from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing in Cleveland , Ohio , who carried out the work .
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