Example sentences of "[Wh pn] live [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure that there is a map of the area on the wall showing local bus routes to assist those parents who live outside the immediate school area .
2 This is because , in Western industrialized culture , those who live outside the nuclear family are vulnerable , and their numbers are increasing .
3 For feminists like me , who live through the political processes of women 's liberation , which turns sex inside out and reforms relationships with men , even if it does n't revolutionise them , talking to these young , single mothers proves that gains won in sexual relationships are not necessarily permanent or universal .
4 Tabkay , as they call him , is one of 35 Buddhists who live at the 30-room Kilnwick Percy Hall , otherwise known as the Madhyamaka Buddhist Centre , just outside Pocklington .
5 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
6 In 1982 she found the right spot , in the harsh thornbush country of the Laikipiak Maasai , who live on the northern slopes of Mt Kenya .
7 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
8 Your article on the Zambian food riots was accurate ( NI 189 ) : I have just returned from visiting friends who live on the Zambian Copperbelt and it was a shock to compare the well-provisioned tourist hotels with the half-empty shops in the city of Ndola .
9 It was at first , through proximity , an extended family whose members were as strongly bound together as those who live within the nuclear structure .
10 I have always believed — I make no apology for it — that any system of financing local government must contain a way of making the local authorities more accountable to those who live within the local area .
11 It happens because , so far , each successive plan to dump or bury the stuff on the island has been scuppered by the opposition of those who live near the proposed site : opposition that takes , sometimes , splendidly Byzantine forms .
12 At stake are not only the interests of potential motorway users and of persons whose land might be compulsorily acquired to provide a route for the motorway ; also involved are the inhabitants of villages and towns which will be relieved of through-traffic by the motorway ; British Rail may have an interest in inhibiting the development of alternative means for the transport of goods ; improved transport and communications facilities provided by the motorway may benefit some businesses at the expense of others ; and motorways have , of course , serious environmental effects which lovers of the countryside and people who live near the proposed route will be anxious to avoid .
13 it 's becoming aware that people who live in the inner cities are not bad .
14 The city tecnol technological college was given the right , has given the right of education , a quality of education undreamed of by a n by the people who live in the inner cities of , particularly the Asian population of opposed by the Labour Party , a Labour Party committed to scrapping and closing the C T C's and if they ca n't get
15 Once the veneer of hunt balls and dressing up for the occasion is stripped away all you have left is a very cruel activity which is a disgrace to those of us who live in the modern world .
16 So is a i i it , it is a very thriving area , it is a very thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate area .
17 I have canvassed the views of my hon. Friend the Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities who is very European , and he assures me that people who live in the southern part of Spain were totally bemused to wake up one day and find themselves in an invented region called Andalusia with a different Government from than in Madrid .
18 We are looking for individuals who are adaptable and flexible , who live in the real world of the present and can cope adequately with whatever problems and difficulties it presents .
19 The Chewong are a hunter-gatherer , shifting cultivating group of people who live in the tropical rain forest of the Malay Peninsula .
20 And the nomads are not overlooked — Jordanian army officers try to bring a smattering of schooling to the children who live in the goat-hair tents .
21 Helen Martin , our chairperson said , ‘ The Heatfest weekend was so important to us as tenants because for the very first time , the people who live in the damp houses got the opportunity to sit round the table with the people who in the past were responsible for creating the kinds of conditions that we are now forced to live in and we could say , hey look !
22 The Bari and Yukpa Indians , who live in the forested mountains of the Venezuela/Colombia border , are threatened by the expansion of coal mining and oil exploration on to their lands .
23 In addition , rates have been increased for the minority of our policyholders who live in the larger cities because of the soaring number of thefts there .
24 Those who live in the grey area look for a gleam in the west
25 A consequence of these differences in the early years of marriage and childbearing is that fertility levels are much higher among those who live in the local authority rather than the owner-occupied sector — and fertility differentials by housing tenure are much greater than other conventionally used socio-economic variables such as social class , female employment , education , or income ( see figure 7.5 ) .
26 I have found one must speak slowly to people who live in the back streets of London .
27 ‘ John Aldridge and I , who live in the same village , decided that we would try to print our own designs by the roll from our own blocks .
28 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
29 Both women , who live in the same fashionable apartment block on New York 's Upper East Side , are now suing each other for nearly £7 million over the incident .
30 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
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