Example sentences of "[Wh pn] live [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These tough animals , who live on the moors year round , were once used extensively in the coal mines .
2 People who live on the streets lose self-esteem .
3 The only people you get on the flats , is the people who live on the flats , and the people who 's been invited into the flats .
4 They 've not in the past shown themselves to be very honest erm nor very keen on going into their own archives , and I think it 's , actually takes people like me , who live on the border-lines if you like of the two cultures , to go in and discover erm sometimes embarrassing documents , embarrassing information , to confront them with it , in their own language , so that they have to take stock .
5 I left Reine early , when all the people who live on the outskirts of Paris pour in to the city to work .
6 Six members of the Christian Fellowship Church in Belfast will spend two weeks with the people who live on the dumps of Mexico 's Reynosa .
7 ( c ) Starling-like oxpeckers who live on the backs of large animals such as elephant , rhinoceros and cattle , in equatorial Africa .
8 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
9 Mary Norton 's classic story about a family of miniature humans who live under the floorboards of a house has been adapted for the small screen and starts tomorrow ( BBC1 , 5.40pm ) .
10 It is hard for those who live near a police Station ,
11 ‘ I understand that you have an uncle and a cousin who live near the docks . ’
12 Old Slains stands even more perilously close to the North Sea cliffs , and in high weather the waves climb and spray the windows of the people who live in the houses under the shadow of Old Slains 's remaining high wall .
13 As churches we feel an obligation to speak up for the least privileged in our society , for those who live in the areas of highest unemployment , poorest housing and social disintegration .
14 The indigenous people who live in the forests all around the world have been murdered , terrorised and driven from their land by greedy developers .
15 Criminals who live in the forests and mountains .
16 Since the book appeared in America , Rock has been surprised by the letters he 's received ‘ from people who live in the suburbs or small flats where the father is the king , where his armchair is the throne .
17 Certainly , yes , some some people who live in the flats , come along to the branch quite regularly , and generally the the impression which they give me is that they 'll they will be happier when they 're the flats have been replaced .
18 Whether or not that is actually used by the people who live in the flats , I do n't know , to be honest .
19 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
20 Speaking in Birmingham yesterday Ramblers ' chairman Dr Geoff Eastwood said : ‘ While millions of people flock to the countryside to enjoy its footpaths and open spaces , those who live in the cities and are without the means to travel to the countryside are losing out on a great potential leisure resource right on their doorsteps . ’
21 Though residents find little change in the quality of living under these arrangements , they are generally pleased with the traffic calming that has resulted , though less so than those who live in the streets that have been completely rebuilt .
22 No , no , it 's not only their own er we have got er entries from W I members of other villages , but mainly its from the members who live in the villages and of course that is the beauty of the book , where it differs from the normal travel book , it 's the story of villages by people who actually live in them .
23 Although there is an assumption that most of those people are little old ladies who live in the circumstances that I described earlier , I suspect that we do not really know who the beneficiaries will be , but if the Government do not know , they should tell us .
24 A. For people who live in the hills of Britain the lowland plains seem flat , dull and uninteresting .
25 Will my hon. Friend assure the House and my many constituents in the North Yorks moors national park that whatever new structure he puts in place to manage the parks , the planning policy guidance given to the park authorities will give the social and economic needs of the people who live in the parks a high priority in the considerations for planning permissions ?
26 The homes of those who live in the marshes of the lower Euphrates , or the barrios of Mexico City , for example , are testament to this elemental connection .
27 On the domestic front , our big drive — and to date our big failure — has been to get the few men who live in the camps into the communal kitchens and to share in other tasks , like washing their own clothes , for example .
28 The fact that the hordes of reporters who live in the burrows of the Palace of Westminster got it wrong — and have since tried to justify getting it wrong — has given me , and many of my friends who knew the score pretty accurately before the result , much quiet pleasure over the last few days .
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