Example sentences of "[Wh pn] 'd [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Through the crowd round the barrels William saw the priest who 'd officiated at the funeral and who 'd asked him about the hymns .
2 Who 'd showed us in the end
3 Eventually , Reid said , ‘ All Susan ever said about her father was that he was a grade-A shit who 'd ignored her for most of her life and thought money was a good substitute for love .
4 Instinctively , I dipped my fingers in the holy water and crossed myself , remembering the Catholic aunt in South Armagh who 'd raised me for a while as a child and had anguished over my black little Protestant soul .
5 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
6 And he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenged him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
7 In fact , he was the man who 'd escorted her to the door to mark the end of her first visit .
8 The next day she 'd discovered his whereabouts from Klein , who 'd warned her in no uncertain manner that John Zacharias was bad news for tender hearts .
9 Then I 'd wondered if some women who 'd stopped me on the path had taken it .
10 Almost inaudible in the crush , he thanked everyone who 'd helped him in the case .
11 It was their way of saying thank you to the locals who 'd helped them on the road to stardom .
12 Another of his treasures , the seventh volume of Gaud Maybellome 's Encyclopaedia of Heavenly Signs , originally written in the language of Third Dominion academics but widely translated for the delectation of the proletariat , he 'd bought from a woman in the city of Jassick , who 'd approached him in a gaming room where he was attempting to explain cricket to a group of the locals , and said she recognized him from stories her husband ( who was in the Autarch 's army in Yzordderrex ) had told .
13 But he 'd been in his prime then , a match for any King Lud who 'd taken it into his weak head to break into the Dallam weaving sheds , in the dead of night , and start smashing his machines to bits .
14 Everything was peaceful — everything but the man who 'd brought her to this place .
15 Vernon was arrested for leading an armed attack on the then Branch Davidian leader one George who 'd thrown him off the property .
16 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
17 A year in Milan , Italy 's great fashion centre , had sounded close to perfect — at least , that was how the woman who 'd interviewed her at International Models had made it sound .
18 who 'd left her in the lurch
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