Example sentences of "[Wh pn] 'd [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Jim , a lorry driver who 'd lived in the area for forty years , had spent Christmas with friends , but disappeared from view until his body was found in his house .
2 In St Erconwald 's church , Athelstan had just finished the Mass for the dead and was now blessing the corpse of Tosspot , an old drunkard who 'd lived in the cellars of the Piebald Horse tavern .
3 As a matter of fact er as the years went by we got this benevolent fund and we used to give all the old w as a mat we got a pension fund I know it do n't sound much now , but at that time like during and just after the War we paid twelve and sixpence a week pension to all everybody who 'd retired from the union after they 'd done time , and we also gave them extra grants and took them on er you know outings until a time I said , Well we 're spending all this money on outings , we could buy a bungalow at the seaside and let them all go you know pensioners go in their turn free .
4 ‘ Bet she wishes it was the dashing Dieter who 'd gone over the cliff ! ’ she said cheerfully .
5 The dancing stopped , and while those who 'd travelled to the all-dayer on coaches from Brighton , Hereford , Nottingham , Northampton , Leeds and Sheffield looked bemused at the sound of the King , the West Midlands regulars looked straight to Dermot Ryan , one of the three brothers behind promotions company Chuff Chuff .
6 There was one man near Tynemouth who was known as ‘ Dead Bodies ’ , so named because he earned seven and sixpence for collecting ( by hook ) the corpses of suicides who 'd jumped from the Tyne Bridge , ten miles up-river .
7 None of the neighbours who 'd complained about the sanctuary wanted to talk to us .
8 He was rearranging his hair in the rear-view mirror as the monster moved out into the traffic , scattering small boys who 'd gathered at the front of the car to try and open the bonnet , for God 's sake , and examine the engine .
9 When he came down the alley toward the club 's stage door he could see that there were three rough-looking teenagers who 'd clambered up the side of one of the big waste bins and were lifting stuff around inside .
10 At last people were going to see the real Dorothy , the real live woman behind that starchy old madam who 'd sat in the corner for all those years , hiding from the world in general .
11 I asked the mechanic , Ian , who 'd looked after the David and Elizabeth King , if he 'd regret seeing her go ?
12 And there were words of praise for the girls who 'd taken to the catwalk .
13 Every month he 'd read a list — it was a list of names of young men , and some women , who 'd vanished from the face of the earth .
14 I said to just the name of the person who 'd died in the .
15 Matter of of people who 'd died in the first world war .
16 Through the crowd round the barrels William saw the priest who 'd officiated at the funeral and who 'd asked him about the hymns .
17 Perkin , I thought , was one of the very few people who 'd known about the camera and the trail .
18 I began sneezing and could n't stop ; nor could several of our neighbours who 'd shared in the shower .
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