Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] come [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Tonight the cellist Vedran Smailovic , who has come to represent the very soul of the besieged city , performs simultaneously with three other cellists in different capitals around the world .
2 In a preface he drafted shortly before his death for a prospective collection of his verse , the man who has come to epitomize the soldier-poet wrote : ‘ Above all I am not concerned with Poetry .
3 Such interjections are clearly ironic as they are likely to be those of the ‘ trained ’ nouveau roman reader who has come to regard the decentring of the author as paradigmatic of contemporary experimental fiction .
4 I think half the people who 've come to see the house suspect I 'm a sitting tenant . ’
5 On the fourth day we were joined by a Lady Diana , who had come to spend the weekend with her aunt and uncle .
6 It was Eric who first invented the Flame-thrower , and it was lying in what was then the bicycle-shed ( now my shed ) when our cousin , who had come to spend the weekend with us along with his parents , decided it would be fun to ride Eric 's bike into the soft mud at the south end of the island .
7 Although it was Dorothy who had come to interview the officials at PopCon ( ’ an Intergovernmental Agency for Fundamental Research into the Worldwide Problems of Population Stabilisation' ) , she kept getting the impression that it was they who were interrogating her .
8 As far as I know , no one else in the Dale caught it — except my Uncle Tommy , my father 's brother who had come to run the farm for us when my father died at such a tragically early age .
9 Harrell , who had come to personify the corruption and mismanagement at the centre of the HUD scandal , had pleaded guilty in January to one count of embezzlement and one of tax evasion .
10 This last had the support of the man who had come to symbolise the Franco-American alliance , Marie Joseph de Motier , Marquis de Lafayette , who having gone to America to fight for the rebel colonists , in May 1779 returned to France a major-general in the US army .
11 The Healys who had come to start the hotel were reported to be having difficulty in starting a family .
12 welcomed a number of student teachers who had come to share the day as , our guest teacher , was to give a percussion workshop during the afternoon .
13 In order to ensure that pupils who have come to enjoy the advantages of the unit do not deliberately fail on a return to school , Owen refuses to readmit them once reintroduction has taken place .
14 I saw All in Bristol and , despite a small crowd ( most of whom had come to see the support bands ) and an incompetent sound engineer , they were powerful and intense .
15 I saw All in Bristol and , despite a small crowd ( most of whom had come to see the support bands ) and an incompetent sound engineer , they were powerful and intense .
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