Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] to use [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So here was an instance of the son of a local worthy insisting on recording his name differently from his father , making sure the charge was not described as a mangonel , and further trying to ensure that any of his father 's descendants who sought to use the arms should spell their name Magnall , a form from which it is difficult if not impossible to divine the relevance and punning nature of the heraldic charge .
2 With a list price of over £100 , this is really for the upholsterer , picture framer or other professional who needs to use a tacker daily .
3 The aims and methods of linguistics are thus quite different from those of the language student , who needs to use the language , not to understand its internal workings .
4 She 's bitterley disappointed that the council has sold it to a local businessman who wants to use the premises to repair binoculars .
5 For those people who want to use a mouse , Windows Bridge also has a way of tracking the speed and direction of the screen cursor using a series of different sounds .
6 erm but erm it 's terribly difficult to balance , you know , one 's care for someone like that , and other people like that , with the needs of people who want to use the church to pray in and the churchyard to visit graves etc. etc .
7 Although these methods are fairly simple , very thorough and no doubt excellent for those who make interviewing a large part of their life 's work they are not particularly useful for those who may not need to exercise interviewing skills often but who want to use the interview to good effect when they do .
8 If it were possible to diminish the use of gas , to increase British coal production and to erect trade and tariff barriers to ensure that we can not import foreign coal , what would the consequences be for those who want to use the power that is generated ?
9 Control injections , without melatonin , had no effect , with the exception of one unusual rat who seemed to use the injection to order his life .
10 His mother insists that John spent much of the time at the house of his aunt Kay ( wife of Grace 's brother Errol , then a prisoner-of-war ) , or in the company of her children , who came to use the swimming pool attached to the flats where Herbert and John lived , so that John was never left to the care of black servants .
11 The purchaser of a completed development , for example a factory , who intends to use the development for his or her own trade purposes or lease it to a person using it for trade purposes may be able to claim capital allowances .
12 Vladimir Ulyanov — who chose to use the name of ‘ Lenin'-had been exiled to Siberia in 1895 after he had founded a Union for the liberation of the working classes .
13 It is recognised that supervision and further training would be required for anyone who wishes to use the approach in the field .
14 However , this presents a difficulty : what if Lord Sloane , the owner of Ramsden Manor , agrees with Lord Wellworthy , the owner of the Stately Mansion Hotel ( a nearby country retreat for ‘ yuppies ’ ) , not to use Ramsden Manor as a hotel , and Lord Sloane thereafter sells Ramsden Manor to Mr Sly , an entrepreneur who wishes to use the premises as a country club ?
15 Often someone who wishes to use the toilet may not find it within easy reach or be able to get out of their chair in time .
16 There are of course endless problems for the analyst who wishes to use the concept of the collective consciousness but it does at least involve an attempt to locate the basis of meaning in a social context .
17 A colour changer will appeal to anyone who likes to use a lot of colour or different yarn textures when pattern knitting .
18 Family planning services are provided free of charge to encourage all those who wish to use the services to do so .
19 However , with money , and all the abstractions associated with it , it is not only those who can directly command the labour of others who are free to indulge , if they so wish , in areas outside of productive work , such as education , but also those who wish to use the money from their labour to secure such opportunities .
20 Whilst some of this housing stock may be left empty , other landlords may sell to the private sector ( ie to individuals who wish to use the building as owner-occupiers ) .
21 But for teachers who wish to use the video on the basis of a fuller teaching programme , there are also lesson plans for four periods per episode , and , where access to a video recorder or time in the teaching schedule may be strictly limited , ideas are included on how to use just one classroom period per episode .
22 Those who wish to use the marina should come alongside the Texaco dock and ask for instructions .
23 Similarly some structures are designed to be discussed by management consultants rather than to make life easier for those who have to use the system .
24 Mr. Dobson : Setting aside the Lord President 's snide references to the London food commission , which has done a considerable amount of good work , I ask him whether , instead of being so complacent , he would be prepared to undertake a thoughtful and organised survey of the views of Hon. Members and of the other people who have to use the cafeterias in this place
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