Example sentences of "[ex0] has be a tendency " in BNC.

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1 There were still many family units left although in the last two decades there has been a tendency for farm sizes to increase .
2 Because of the difficulties in communication , there has been a tendency for the intellectual abilities of people suffering from cerebral palsy to be underestimated , but this is now generally not the case .
3 There has been a tendency to move away from prohibitions on corporate practice — removed in the cases of architects , surveyors and accountants .
4 In the past , there has been a tendency in the NHS to shift costs from Health Authority to family practitioner committee budgets , through the earlier discharge of patients from hospital , or through restrictions in drug prescribing on hospital discharge .
5 There has been a tendency on the part of the Commission to interpret Article 85(1) very widely so that all restrictions fall within it and require exemption .
6 The interpretation of the requirement in practice has varied and there has been a tendency for some companies to understate rather than emphasise the significance of what they have done .
7 In some Western European countries , where industry-wide agreements have been general , there has been a tendency in recent years towards greater decentralisation in the bargaining structure together with an extension in the scope and subject matter of agreements .
8 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
9 There has been a tendency for newspapers to represent both existing political parties and emergent ones .
10 There has been a tendency generally , but particularly in the years since 1979 , to disregard what are seen as private troubles ( family poverty , poor marital relationships , isolation ) and to consider primarily public issues , e.g. dependency of lone parents on welfare benefits , reception of children into care because of homelessness or family breakdown and juvenile crime .
11 Thirdly , there has been a tendency in the literature to overestimate the practical influence of economists [ Booth , 1983 ; 1984 ; Cairncross , 1985 ] .
12 Furthermore , there has been a tendency to ignore the value which children , young people and their parents place in residential care .
13 As with other elements of gerontological research there has been a tendency to treat the institutional population as a homogeneous social group .
14 As Henige ( 1982 ) points out , there has been a tendency to use such informants to the exclusion of others , with the result that data are biased towards the experience of a small number of individuals .
15 There has been a tendency for international inter-governmental organizations to lean too exclusively on the expertise of scholars in the preparation of instruments of unification and to obtain inadequate input from organizations of business men engaged in the particular field under consideration .
16 So throughout the evolution of the flowering plant , there has been a tendency for particular flowers and particular insects to develop together , each catering specifically for the other 's requirements and tastes .
17 There is some evidence that committee members feel themselves less fettered by party ties in committee than on the floor of the House although there has been a tendency for party loyalty to reassert itself if the report is debated .
18 Since the Newbolt Report is the first , and indeed has remained the single most comprehensive official report on English , there has been a tendency to use it as the key to the most fundamental ideological impulses of the discipline .
19 Amongst liberals , there has been a tendency to believe that remedying the gender imbalances in these books might have a positive influence on girls ' educational achievement .
20 Thus , in general , it seems that backward projection on to historical states of language has tended to be based on present-day standard English and SBE , rather than other dialects , and as in the examples cited from Dobson ( below ) there has been a tendency to think of a phonemic set ( such as short /a/ ) as being invariant or nearly invariant within itself .
21 With this model there has been a tendency , historically based , for the domination of the budgeteer/economic approach at the expense of the accountant/ financial management approach , which has led to accounting practice being strongly influenced by the budgeteer .
22 Nonetheless , it has been claimed that the problems of recreation have been overstated and Fitton ( 1979 , 57 ) has argued that : ‘ There has been a tendency to view recreation in the countryside as a problem rather than a welcome opportunity for people to enjoy themselves ’ .
23 There has been a tendency to regard such provisions as government largesse to be dispensed at the unfettered will of the public body .
24 For some years there has been a tendency " in professional examinations to use fixed multiple.choice questions .
25 On the contrary , with the exception of Yugoslavia , where the system of workers ' self-management did something to diffuse responsibility for decision making , there has been a tendency towards increasingly centralized and bureaucratic administration in economic and other spheres of social life .
26 There has been a tendency to accept uncritically that all policies which help small firms are to be recommended since it is the small firm sector which in future will create new jobs and new wealth .
27 Next , the implication that full employment could be achieved by budget deficits encouraged the separation of decisions to spend from decisions to tax , and there has been a tendency for the former to grow faster than the latter .
28 In discussing the rating tasks from Groeger and Chapman ( in preparation , b ) , there has been a tendency to assume that the distinction between variable and fixed information corresponds to the distinction between central and peripheral information .
29 There has been a tendency in recent years for the amount of applied research in the earth sciences to increase , although not noticeably at the expense of the fieldwork-based areal studies .
30 There has been a tendency for the proportion of non-civil servants in the membership to be reduced .
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