Example sentences of "he let [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No one drank the spirits but Rufus , and Adam suspected that he drank more than he let on about , probably keeping a private bottle somewhere .
2 He knows Claire Fraser a bloody sight better than he let on , he thought .
3 Perhaps Arabella 's death upset him more than he let on . ’
4 He let off a warning shot .
5 If she were to hum quietly a popular song of the day , or laugh gaily at something which tickled her sense of humour , then he let loose a stream of abuse and insults , shouting hysterically .
6 Leaning out of the window , he let loose a stream of abuse .
7 He let only a moment go by before filling a teaspoon full of caviar and feeding it to her .
8 The next moment he let out a cry , of disbelief and joy , similar to hers .
9 He let out the clutch .
10 He let out his breath .
11 He was just saying : Tweed is somewhere ahead of us but in this fog — Then he let out the most chilling yell — Ahhhhhhh — and the link went blank . ’
12 Recovering , he let out a stream of words of which Sandison understood almost nothing .
13 It was an actual roar he let out and it was mingled with Jessie 's scream as he tore her from the shelter of the coalhouses and the young man 's arms .
14 He let out a yell and kicked his legs up crossly .
15 In northern France this had been traditionally organized by the institution known as the villa , a country estate of variable size , often more or less the equivalent of a village , where all the land was the lord 's ; some part of it he let out to tenants , some part of it he farmed directly ; but even his own domain was in large measure tilled by the peasant tenants , who held their land in return for services in money , services in kind , and above all labour-services , for a defined amount of work for the lord .
16 As he topped the rise he let out the throttle .
17 Mister Tom had told him not to be afraid of the earth , but it was still wet from the previous night 's rain and occasionally he let out an involuntary squeal when his spade contacted a worm .
18 He let out a deep breath .
19 He let out a whoop , and slammed the gun down onto the bar , breaking glasses .
20 He let out a yelp .
21 Seeing the strangers he let out a shout , and headed towards them .
22 The shaking of the head became a violent fit of denial , and he let out a strange sob , knowing back his head as he did so .
23 He let out a stream of invective , but the placid face before him took both spittle and spleen without flinching .
24 He let out the incredulous , admiring little snort of laughter he usually did when mentioning the stationer 's : " Greeting cards !
25 Suddenly he let out a huge sigh , as though the air was being forced out of him .
26 And then he let out a call of welcome and triumph and he turned round in his cage and , raising his wings , flew up and dashed his talons against the very top of his cage and , wheeling sideways , hit against the side of Minch 's cage as well so that the Cages were filled with the sound of his joy .
27 He let out a long , shuddering breath .
28 It lifted its great horned head as though to bellow a warning , but in that moment Chuck Sherman 's rifle roared and he let out a yell of delight as he heard the thud of the bullet strike home into the buffalo 's broad chest .
29 He let out a long breath and raised his hands to cover both ears .
30 Without waiting for Chuck he strode off in the direction taken by the herd , and halfway across the grassland he let out a roar and dropped to his knees .
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