Example sentences of "which causes the " in BNC.

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1 Expectations of confidentiality and silence prevent many accounts from reaching fruition , for as the revelations of Spycatcher ( Wright and Greenglass 1986 ) revealed , it is not necessarily what is written which causes the pain ; rather it is the breach of the convention which requires members in various arms of the executive to say nothing about their practices .
2 Vain Chantecler refuses to recognize that it is not his own crying of ‘ Cocorico ’ which causes the sun to rise .
3 The stimulus ( or pain ) which causes the anxiety response ( or bad habit ) must be eliminated .
4 An example would be cerebral palsy , or spasticity , which normally follows a ‘ trauma ’ or ‘ insult ’ to the child which causes the handicap .
5 It is the Inner/Outer Face which causes the most heartache .
6 It is the excess stress which causes the problems .
7 These last two must have felt the stirring of the soul at the sublime beauty which causes the peak experience , and because this sweetness came out of their own minds , theirs was the most intense emotion .
8 When he was asked why he himself did not become one , he replied that all men wanted to be Senators but he did not ; he did not want to be the same as other men who were as the uncoloured cloth of the Toga but he wished to be the red , that small and brilliant portion which causes the rest to be comely and beautiful .
9 Cough worse ( < ) lying down which causes the most violent cough to appear a few moments later .
10 Equilibrium is at its lowest at the water 's surface and as pressure is exerted on the bladder its volume decreases which causes the fish to ‘ sink ’ .
11 They react with the water chemistry which causes the sample to change colour .
12 It is that permanent element in human nature which causes the soul to be restless until it realizes itself to be at one with Truth or God .
13 It will attempt to tackle discrimination against lesbians and gay men , but it can not tackle , can barely conceive of , the supremacist power relationship between heterosexuality and lesbians and gay men which causes the discrimination .
14 And it is this very illogicality which causes the phobia sufferer to feel foolish or inferior — particularly if the unnatural fear is of something which others would consider harmless .
15 13:33 ) which causes the whole mixture to rise , or like salt rubbed into the meat to preserve and flavour it ( Luke 14:34 ) .
16 While we absorb about the same amount of protein as fat , it is the fat which causes the biggest problem to the figure-conscious , since it stores more efficiently , becoming even harder to shift .
17 It is , I believe , this same ‘ sthenic spur , ’ or determination to survive as a self-defined individual , which causes the anorexic to reject suicide — another form of surrender — and to choose the more arduous life of self-starvation , not in order to die , but in order to live and go on living .
18 It is this activity which causes the ‘ itchy bottom ’ .
19 At this speed ‘ camera shake ’ , which causes the image to become blurred , is minimised .
20 This rapid shallow breath may occur in response to the adrenalin which causes the heart to speed up .
21 This may be from chronic stress , where our stress tap drips constantly a small amount at a time for months or years , or from sudden stress , when we encounter a specific fear , problem or major life event , which causes the stress tap to turn full on .
22 He and the laibon laugh loudly , which causes the laibon to cough .
23 Grazes and torn fins will usually heal within a few days , but if there is any sign of infection by bacteria ( which causes the wound to become inflamed ) or fungus ( resulting in cotton wool growths ) treatment with a general external parasitic remedy is recommended .
24 Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. , just as the dock company , operate their businesses in a way which causes the heavy goods vehicle traffic .
25 At the slightest sign of disturbance , the termites drum out a warning on the earth , which causes the whole foraging party to disappear up the tunnels back to the nest .
26 So they 're just examples of attitude gents , which And it 's attitude which causes the problems .
27 The first view would probably extend the law further than it has commonly been thought to go and would expose strikers having no immunity under trade union legislation to a very wide-ranging liability ; on the other hand it is not quite accurate to describe the plaintiffs in these two cases as merely ‘ ricochet ’ victims for it may be the effect of pressure on the public and customers which causes the employer to succumb to the strikers ' demands .
28 The trouble is caused by thermal expansion and contraction , which causes the read/write head to write in slightly different positions depending on the temperature , and therefore diameter , of the disk itself .
29 It is n't used alone , but in conjunction with another drug , a prostaglandin , which is a different kind of hormonal-type drug and which causes the uterus to contract and expel its contents .
30 Owing to the tightness of the head , which causes the hard wooden sticks to rebound automatically , a very close roll is obtainable at all dynamic ranges .
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