Example sentences of "[been] [adj] to get [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He told her it had not been easy to get a word in .
2 Mr Bull said since Smith was released from prison in April 1990 , after laundering stolen cheques , he had been unable to get a job until he managed to fool the WDA .
3 Well often I might see somebody waving out by the gate frantically trying to get in where he 's put one of his different size padlocks round the gate , the back gate and the front gate , and often if we need to feed the cat he 's padlocked all the different padlocks round the kitchen cupboards erm we 've been unable to get the cat food out , so we 've had to go off in the car and bring him back from a friend because he 's the only one who knows which key goes with which padlock to undo all the cupboards .
4 Ever since you went away we have been unable to get the fire to burn ; even if we borrowed a light from the neighbours it went out as soon as we brought it in . "
5 I never had any money erm that would help me to get off benefit , I was caught in the benefit trap and now I 've been able to get a part time job , my husba ex-husband 's paying a reasonable amount and my children are better off .
6 Before going he had told us that firstly , all his carp had been caught on sweetcorn and bread and although fishing with boilies on one rod all week he had been able to get a take , in his words they just did not seem to eat them ; secondly , although there were plenty of carp on the surface they did not seem the least bit interested in floaters , and thirdly he was at a loss to know what one needed to do to put a cat on the bank .
7 She should still have been able to get a seat , but she should not have a carriage practically to herself .
8 ‘ We have not been able to get a deal sorted out with whoever was going to use the property , ’ she said .
9 I think the bit that stands up above the horizon is fine , I mean I think that gives you a good idea of what it would have been like had you been able to get the whole , or not perhaps the whole of it , but a lot more of the post up above the horizon simply by getting down lower .
10 Rain asked whether they had not been able to get the story published elsewhere .
11 Unfortunately we have never been able to get the evidence . ’
12 He says he has never been able to get the image out of his mind .
13 Mrs had got home in her jeep with just chauffeur and one extra bodyguard , defying the pleas of the other wives , some half an hour after Kaptan and I had left with the Corporal , but she had n't been able to get the Colonel on the military net for nearly two hours after that .
14 He may have been pleased to get the job — but he was only shot into the spot in order to stand up for good , Christian , family values and to restore party morale in Cecil 's wake .
15 It 's been difficult to get a game in these last five weeks what with the weather and the Five Nations .
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