Example sentences of "i [verb] picked " in BNC.

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1 I also made a promise to myself that when I got picked again for a major championship I would progress beyond the first round .
2 It was absolutely great and confirmed to everybody in the band that what I was doing was viable , and I got picked up by an agent right away — the same night , in fact . ’
3 I got picked for the washing up detail and with six others swept the kitchen and dining room , drank the dregs from the glasses and bottles and had a conversation with one of the cooks about Beirut .
4 I got picked for my maths yesterday .
5 I should have enjoyed it just as well if I 'd picked it up in a bookshop , by an unknown author .
6 Twenty-odd years earlier , I 'd picked up an idea from the marvellously creative Bill Brown who was Director of Billy Graham 's Crusades in 1966–7 .
7 I 'd picked Nolan up and made a fool of him .
8 I thought I 'd picked it up off a clean pile , but I was mistaken .
9 I 'd forgotten that was what I 'd picked a Gnat for in the first place It sounded horrible , coming from him .
10 That evening I roasted the chestnuts I 'd picked
11 I rang the School of Tropical Medicine in London and told them I 'd picked up a botfly , and they said ‘ very exciting ’ and quoted me some home cures : ‘ Keep a raw steak over the hole for a couple of hours and the larva will burrow to the surface to breathe and then you can take the steak away … ‘
12 As I looked at her , I thought of her shrinking , like someone in a fairytale , and how one day I might hold her in the palm of my hand with her little voice squeaking commands at me as if she was a mouse I 'd picked up in the garden .
13 I 'd picked the Bloomsbury address from a handful of alternatives Patterson had offered for the set-up as the easiest route and also the time , early afternoon , though in town these days the traffic was a matter of pot luck with the odds stacked on it being bad .
14 Er I 'd , I 'd picked out because I knew a lot about the client whereas here I know nothing about the client .
15 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
16 I put er yeah I 'd forgotten few I 'd picked up as well .
17 An O S one to fifty thousand and that 's what I thought I 'd picked up this morning to take with me but when I looked it was Chester and Wrexham so it did n't do me much good .
18 yeah but I think it was only one and one of those two , I , I 'd picked the white up because there was n't any black , for that first time
19 My new friend and I had picked up two mad women , I said , and we 'd taken lots of this and that and one thing had led to another , as often happens when young people get together .
20 There had been long periods when I could only enter you and come in you by secretly pretending to myself that I did not know you , that you were a tart I had picked up in a bar — or on the street corner .
21 I made my way to an hotel lounge in the Diamond , where I sat and read a leaflet I had picked up in the church .
22 Unfortunately , it appeared to be the same half that I had picked to explore .
23 However , as I replaced the cap , to my utter amazement , I noticed it was labelled ‘ Geranium ’ — I had picked up the wrong bottle .
24 They said that , in the narrow passageway , a corridor whose opposite walls I can touch comfortably with two hands , I had picked up an aluminium chair , ripped it in half , swung it around and hit a policeman with it so hard that he had to shield his head .
25 I sent her a brochure I had picked up at a travel agent , together with a bouquet of roses and a letter .
26 Somehow I had picked up the idea that putting the patient in a tub of hot water sometimes had the desired effect .
27 I had picked my pall-bearers carefully , so that , for obvious reasons , they would be of more or less uniform height , but one of them was late , and the fourth corner had to be hoisted onto the shoulder of Nigel 's nephew , who was six-foot-four-plus-a-bit .
28 By the time the gay movement started in 1970 the gay friends I had were people I had picked up or met through a pick-up ; I probably knew about half a dozen gay people intimately .
29 I WROTE to the Prime Minister about short-wave radio broadcasts I had picked up from Yugoslavia , giving eyewitness accounts of atrocities by Serbians .
30 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
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